"Different Than Before"

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Hey guys! First fanfic so sorry if it's bad😂 anyway this is a Harry and Hermione love story! Love you guys!!💚

Hermione's POV

I woke up on a fantastic, sunny day at the Burrow. Today was the day of the Quidditch Cup! I read loads of books about Quidditch over the summer, even though it's not very interesting.

I stretched and got out of my bed to go shower and change into fresh clothing. I noticed how much I had changed over the summer.

I was taller. I had curves, and my hair was more curly than bushy now. My face looked more mature and ladylike. I had two dimples on both cheeks and my eyes were the lightest brown like honey. After I finished showering and was ready, Mrs. Weasley came in.

"Hermione dear, do you mind waking Harry up?" Mrs. Weasley said, "Authur wants to get to the cup early."

"Yes, of course!", I respond, I have been wanting to see Harry for a while now! He is my best friend in the world! So is Ron, but Harry is more sensible and sweet.

I finish getting ready and go into Harry's room. I knocked, but I didn't hear an answer. I'm pretty sure he's asleep.

"Harry? Are you awake?", I try to whisper, "Harry?"

Harry must have heard me because he jumped out of his bed and fell on the floor. He looked like he was expecting Voldemort or something.

"Hermione! You scared me!" Harry gasped. I saw that he was only wearing boxers, and that was the first time I had ever seen him with only boxers, but I noticed that Quidditch had toughened him up, so he had abs and looked very fit.

"Hermione?", Harry added, "Why did you wake me up?" Harry said, looking confused.

"Mrs. Weasley is making your breakfast, and Mr. Weasley wants to get to the cup early, so we need to get ready," I replied.

"Oh... Alright, I'll be down in a moment," Harry replied, he probably still didn't realize he was only in boxers. I smiled and turned to leave, after I was out of his room, I went into the kitchen, and waited.


"Harry seems to be taking his time." Ron said to me, stuffing his face.

"Yes, I guess, he usually takes in average of a few minutes, but today he's taken loads longer, I do hope he's alright." I say, until I became aware of what I said, and I feel my cheeks grow red.

"And how the fuck do you know this?" Ron said in a serious tone. "Well, I have known him for 3 years now!" I said defensively, but Ron raises his eyebrows, but then he turned to his food and started eating again.

Ginny came in and started yapping about Harry and Quidditch, the two things she ever talks about.

Then Ron and Ginny got up and left and Harry came by in his fresh clothing and wet, messy, spearmint smelling hair and sat across from me.

"Good morning, Harry", I said cheerfully. Harry didn't seem to hear me, he stared at me strangely, in a way he had never done, "Harry?" I said quietly. He finally snapped out if it, and said.

"Oh sorry, I didn't hear you, Mione." I looked at him and try to take in what he said.

"Harry, did you just call me Mione?", I said with butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks growing red. He must have just taken in what he had said too because he was a bright shade of red also.

"Sorry", he said looking embarrassed.

"No, no, that's not what I meant... I actually r-really like that name." I said rather lamely, I blushed red.

"Oh", he said smiling, looking relieved. Then Mrs.Weasley came by.

"Good morning Harry, Hermione, what would you like to eat?" Mrs. Weasley asked, grinning at us.

"Waffles, please" Harry and I said at the same time, I turned pink.

"Alright, then waffles for the both of you." Mrs. Weasley said, walking away.

"Mrs. Weasley, can I help you make them?" Harry offered, getting up from the table.

"Of course, Harry, but I can gladly do it myself." Mrs. Weasley said in a caring tone.

"I can help you, it's no problem, really!" Harry said, but Mrs. Weasley gave him a knowing look.

"Alright then, Harry, do you know how to make waffles?" Mrs. Weasley asked, going to the kitchen.

"Well, I guess I'm pretty educated about them," Harry said with a laugh and walking after Mrs. Weasley and that's when I saw how much Harry had changed.

His small and skinny structure didn't exist anymore, over the summer he seemed to changed. His shoulders broaden and his face looked more manly. He had cheekbones now which I loved, and he gotten a lot taller and his hair was messier than ever, but what hadn't changed was his bright green, almond shaped eyes which I loved to stare into. He had his lightning shaped scar which was famous. His personality was still the same, sweet, slightly awkward, and incredibly caring. In short, he was adorable.

Wait, what am I doing? I think to myself. I can't have a crush on my best friend! Besides Ginny obviously likes him! I can't do that to her!

But then Harry sits down with our waffles, and he passes mine to me. "Thanks, Harry." I said. Mrs. Weasley looked at me with a smug smirk of her face, and she left the kitchen, leaving Harry and me alone together.

I take a bite out of my waffle, and it was really good! It must have shown that I liked them because Harry smiled and said, "I made them, you know," Harry said, with a little grin.

"And how did you learn how to cook so good, Potter?" I asked, playfully.

"I used to cook a lot for my aunt and uncle, so I'm kind of a natural, Granger." Harry said with a sneaky, little grin.

"And since when do you call me Granger? I thought it was Mione!" I said with a smile on my face, he just makes me so happy.

"You called me Potter, so Mione, why don't you make me a nickname." Harry said grinning.

"All right then," I think and I said the first thing that pops in my head, "how about my Harry-Bear?" I said. Harry started laughing.

"Harry-Bear, seriously? Is that the best you can do, Mione?" Harry was grinning, and I could tell he secretly liked that name.

"I think its a great name, Potter!", I said, feigning pain by putting my hand over my heart.

Harry looked at me and said laughing "Just don't call me Potter, alright?"

"Okay then, Harry-Bear." I said and I got up from the table and ran to my room because I know Harry is probably chasing me for calling him Harry-Bear.

I shut the door and hold it, so he can't get it, but of course since he's in Quidditch, he could easily get inside.

"I've got you now, Mione!" Harry said playfully once he got in and he grabbed me by the waist and spins me around, until we both fell on my bed, laughing.

We slowly stop laughing, and we look at each other for what seemed like ages. His bright green eyes pouring over mine.

I could tell he was in deep thought because his eyes were looking at me unfocused. I could read Harry like a book, and I could tell he was thinking hard and figuring out what to say, finally he looked at me, and said,

"I love you, Mione."

His voice cracked when saying my name. At first I think he's joking, but the concerned look on his face said he wasn't.

After staring at each other for a while, Harry got up from my bed and left my room quickly.

"Wait, Harry! Come back!" I shouted.

but he had already went to his room by now. He loves me, and strangely that thought made me so happy, but why?

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