"Final Goodbyes"

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Well, this is the last chapter guys😔 but there's gonna be a sequel following Harry and Hermione into their fifth year❤️ I'm actually really excited😂 it'll be up soon!!!! Love yall💚

The last day came quicker than I anticipated.

Before I knew it, Harry, Ron, and I were walking down to the train, dragging our trucks behind us.

We climbed the train and we were quick to grab an empty compartment.

"So," Ron stated, awkwardly, "another year, huh?"

"Yeah," Harry said, emotionless.

I stared out the window, the train was moving now.

I turned to look at Harry, who was staring at me, with hurt eyes.

He still looked far too pale and miserable. It even had Ron worried.

Harry sighed and turned to away from me, "Hermione-"

But he was interrupted by a sudden burst of the compartment door and someone unexpected made her way inside the compartment.

Ginny Weasley.

A ripple of anger moved inside me. What did she want now?

She turned to look at me and oh.

She look horrible, like she hadn't been sleeping well. She, like Harry, looked pale and miserable.

"H-Hermione," Ginny stammered, obviously nervous, "can we talk?"

"Oh, er, alright," I replied, confused.

Harry caught my eye and he seemed to trying to say, don't you talk to her! She's mental!

I shot an apologetic glaze at him and turned to follow Ginny.

Once we were outside, there was silence.

"Is Harry okay? I mean, I heard what happened," she said, nervously and breaking the silence.

"No, not really," I said, coldly, not meeting her eyes, I was still angry at her.

"Oh," Ginny whispered.

I turned to face her for the first time, trying hard to stick to the cold hard expression.

Ginny sighed, her eyes sparkling with tears.

"Hermione, I'm so s-sorry! I'm a horrible person! I-I should have never done that t-to you!" Ginny said, tears overflowing her eyes, "I was just j-jealous, Hermione, and I completely understand if you would never want to talk to me again. I just w-wanted you to know that I'm terribly sorry for all I have caused you,"

I was shocked. Ginny Weasley, saying sorry?!

That wasn't a common thing to see.

I stayed silent, I was so surprised.

"Oh, alright, that's okay, I understand," Ginny said, sadly, after some silence, turning to leave.

"Wait! No, Ginny, I mean," Ginny stared at me, confused, I hesitated, "yeah, that was a shitty thing to do, but," I hesitated again and smiled, "that's okay, you made a mistake, like all humans do."

I was almost knocked over by the force of Ginny's surprise hug.

"Thanks so much, Hermione," she said, smiling sadly, and breaking away.

"It's okay but," I smiled, laughing a little, "please don't feed Harry Amortentia."

Ginny laughed, and I laughed with her, for the first time in a long time.

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