"The Pranks Begin"

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Hey guys! So I'm just gonna go ahead and put all the chapters I've made on here already, hope ya don't mind! I love yall!!💚

Something smelt like eggs, boiled eggs. It smelt horrible, but I opened my eyes to look at what smelt so bad, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

The time was 5:30. I usually woke up early to do schoolwork, but since today was the first day, I didn't have any.

I wasn't tired, so I decided I would shower and get ready early.

I grabbed my Hogwarts uniform to change, and I went in the bathroom to change and as I changed I glimpsed at the mirror. I suddenly saw what had smelt so horrible...


"Where's Hermione?" Harry asked as walking into the third class which was Transfiguration, "She hasn't been in any of our classes."

"I don't know, say Harry, do you think Hermione's-" started Ron,

but he didn't finish as I came in with my hair wet and still smelling a little egg-like, but the smell was masked by the pounds of perfume on it.

Harry looked at me and smiled, "Good morning, Mione."

I didn't say anything, I was still in deep thought about who even cracked the eggs on my hair.

"Herms, Harry said good morning," Ron said smirking and winking at me.

"Oh, sorry Harry, good morning," I said as I sat down in my seat.

"You don't look very happy, Mione, and why are you so late?" Harry asked me with his smile fading away.

"It's nothing," I said because I know Harry would have a fit if I told him about the eggs.

"Why do you smell so perfumey?" asked Ron.

"It's nothing!" I said a little too harshly.

"Hermione, I know when something's wrong, and I want you to tell what's wrong," Harry said seriously.

"It's nothing, really, I just overslept, that's all. There's nothing to worry about. I'm fine," I said sweetly and faking a smile, if there was one thing I good at, it was faking a smile.


The first day back was good, we have loads of homework which I'm glad we do because I would be bored out of my mind if we didn't.

I still don't know who cracked the eggs on my hair. I certainly don't want Harry or Ron knowing about them, either. I know they would make a huge deal out of it, especially Harry.

Anyway, I had to urge Harry and Ron to do their homework, but I ended up doing it for them.

As soon as I knew it, it was 11:30pm. "Thanks a million, Herms," said Ron looking relieved as he sat fanning himself with his hands.

"Yeah, thanks Hermione, I didn't understand anything of what Binns said," Harry said also sitting down on the couch by the fire where I was sitting.

He sat by me, and he started playing with my hair. "Your hair is so soft, Mione," Harry said while trying to make a braid in it and failing miserably.

I felt myself turn red as Harry ran his fingers down my hair. Ron started laughing. I turned to look at him, "What?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Ron said giggling slightly out of control and he mouthed the words, 'he fancies you'. I rolled my eyes, Ron was an idiot, but a friendly idiot, he kept my secret safe.

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