"Bashing The Unwanted"

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Hey guys, so I got bored and just decided to go ahead and post this😂 anyway enjoy! I love you guys!!💚

"Harry!" Ginny yells. She hugs him and says, "I'm so glad you're okay!"

I felt anger boil in my blood, how could she hug him? He doesn't even like her!

I rolled my eyes, and Ron nudged me, so I look at him. He grabs me aside to his room.

"What Ron? Why did you take me here?" I asked rather harshly.

"Hermione, are you okay? You seem a little..." But Ron didn't finish.

"A little what?" I asked again rather harshly than intended.

"Do you like Harry?", Ron asked sounding slightly scared.

I didn't reply. I was shit at lying, and Ron knew it, but Ron seemed to know the answer. "Ginny likes him, you know." Ron said.

"Yeah well, Ginny doesn't own Harry!", I yell at Ron. Ron looked hurt, so I hugged him.

"I'm sorry Ron, I just... I'm been feeling off lately." I finish lamely. We broke apart.

"Well... I reckon Harry likes you, too.", Ron says smiling, rubbing his neck like he did when he was nervous, "You're all he ever fucking talks about, and he asks about you every time I see him during the holidays. He admires you other than argues with you like me,"

"Thanks, Ron," I responded kindly, smiling.

"Well... Come on Herms, Harry's probably worried." Ron said, laughing.

"Ron, please don't tell Harry about this." I asked kind of desperately.

"Don't worry," Ron replies grinning, "I won't tell him anything."


Ginny continued to act weird around Harry, it was extremely annoying.

She was flirting with him and winking at him, it made me sick.

Ron also starting nudging me and laughing softly very time I stared at Harry, but he kept my secret like a good friend would do.

It was soon the last day at the Burrow until we head to Hogwarts.

We all ate dinner while Ginny talked about how she was going to try out for Quidditch which Harry was interested in.

I tried to jump in the conversation a couple times, but almost always got thrown out of it by Ginny.

"I was going to try out for the team, you know," Ginny said grinning stupidly at Harry.

"And how did you learn to fly? We never let you play with us!" Ron exclaimed. Ron was backing me up, and he winked at me after he said that.

"Yeah, Ginny, how did you learn how to play?" I asked also, I wanted to know if she was saying that or if she was just showing off for Harry.

"And why do you care, Hermione? Just because you're shit at everything but nerdy stuff doesn't mean I am!" Ginny shouts at me.

I felt blood boil inside me, shit at everything but nerdy stuff? How dare she?

"Ginny! Why would you say that! Mione's not shit at everything, she's the smartest in our school, may I add she's loads better at academics than you!" Harry said angrily to Ginny. His eyes were dark green rather than bright, like they did when he was angry.

My heart fluttered at the sound of my name.

"Mione?! That's your nickname for her?! I should have known, Harry Potter!" Ginny yells at Harry, she was bright red and sounded close to tears.

She throws her plate at the sink and ran out the room growling to herself, she slammed the door shut as she left.

Mrs. Weasley comes in and exclaims, "What is this fuck?" but she gasps at the look at Ginny's plate smashed in the sink, "Who did this?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Weasley, I tried to catch it, but it had already hit the floor. I'm sorry," I said, this was my fault after all, I was the one that made Ginny angry.

"Oh, it's no problem, dear," Mrs. Weasley said as she took out her wand, "Reparo!" She said as the plate repaired itself.

Harry and Ron look at me like I'm mental. "It's my fault she got mad, I should have stayed out of it," I whispered so Mrs. Weasley wouldn't hear me.

Harry then got up and hugged me, it was warm and welcoming.

He held me tight and after ages we broke apart. It must have been ages because when we broke apart, because both Ron and Mrs. Weasley left the kitchen.

Harry grinned at me, and I returned it. He kissed my forehead, I felt myself blush deep scarlet.

"Goodnight, Mione."

"Goodnight, Harry-Bear."

Harry chuckled, his bright green eyes sparkled and he turned to leave the kitchen.

My heart burst with excitement, joy, and happiness. I felt like I could fly.

I trotted upstairs to my room, and once I was inside, I let out a little squeal of joy.

I looked in the mirror, I traced my fingers on the spot he kissed me. I smiled to myself, I fell on my bed and quietly drifted to sleep...

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