"Everything's Better"

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Here's chapter 10! Hope you enjoy! (There's a surprise for all the Harmione shippers in the end ;)) I love you guys!💚

I ran towards Harry as he dismounted his Firebolt with the golden egg in his hands.

He dropped the egg and caught me as I jumped at him.

"Harry! You're alright! And you caught the egg! Thank God!" I said as he spun me around.

He let me down and hugged me, but we interrupted by Ron.

Harry looked up and made a 'ugh' kind of sound.

I turned around and saw Ron, there was a burning feeling inside me.

Ron looked at Harry anxiously and started, "Listen, Harry... I-I know I've been an ass lately and I wanted to say that-" Ron hesitated and looked at the ground for a few seconds, "that I'm sorry, I should have listened and believed you when you said you didn't put your name in the goblet. I was just jealous and," Ron hesitated again, "I'm really sorry, mate." Ron looked up anxiously from the ground to Harry.

Harry stared at him for a second and then smiled.


'"I'm so glad you idiots are friends again!" I exclaimed as all three of us grabbed a firewhiskey from the table at the Gryffindor celebration.

It was around 10pm and the everyone was attending the Gryffindor celebration.

"Yeah, I was getting tired of hanging around Ginny, all she ever fucking talks about is Harry, like damn," said Ron as he grabbed a cookie from the table and ate it, "but at the end I found out what she had done and it was fucking horrible, who the fuck sends pictures to the ministry to have them make an article about it? And you know the worst part? She told me with fucking pride about how she'd done it! What a little bitch!" Ron exclaimed, "and you know what else? Dumbledore canceled Quidditch for all this year! Ginny wasn't happy, but I know you'll probably not be either, Harry,"

Harry looked disgusted, "They're canceling Quidditch? I was looking forward to it!"

"Yeah, I knew you wouldn't be happy about that," Ron said as he took a sip from his firewhiskey.

We walked to the couch and sat down. Harry put his arm around causing me to blush and feel the butterflies return to my stomach.

Ron winked at me, argh, okay, okay, I admit, I did miss Ron, he was the only one I could talk about Harry to, and he was my best friend, of course.

"Oh yeah... Did you think the Transfiguration exam was hard? I thought it was bloody difficult! Like, what the fuck? Did they really expect me to know all that shit?!" Ron ranted, angrily.

"Oh my goodness! I didn't take the exam! Professor McGonagall will murder me!" I said, sounding panicked.

The exam was the day when Ginny and I got into that fight, and I totally had forgotten about the test!

"I'm sure you'll do just fine, Mione. You always do excellent on big exams like these," Harry added, calmly.

I felt myself blush, again. Harry looked into the fire and the fire made his eyes so bright, they looked so... Beautiful.

"So... Tell me," Ron added causally, making me zone back into the conversation, "Is there anything, you know," Ron chuckled and gave me a wink, oh no, I think I know where this is going, "going on between you two?"

Harry turned red, "No," Harry said very quickly.

"Oh," Ron faked surprise, he probably hadn't dropped his theory, "Well, I guess it's safe to tell you that Hogwarts is having a ball," Ron sipped from his firewhiskey and Harry started to get sweaty (I could feel the sweat of his hands). "And the champions have to bring dates," Ron added, trying and failing to be causal, Ron started giggling as Harry turned really red. Ron winked at Harry.

"Oh," Harry said. I felt myself turn red, also.

"Just felt the need to tell you bitches, just incase," Ron started laughing, "things get real," Ron said as he got up to refill his bottle with firewhiskey.

Harry and I were very red, but then we had a lively conversation on what color my eyes were. (I think they're dark brown, but Harry thinks they're honey brown)


"He's drunk," Harry said, laughing.

It was 2am and Ron had just chugged down 7 bottles of firewhiskey for a challenge and was now giving toasts to random people.

"T-toast to Snape's a-ass" Ron exclaimed raising his 20th bottle of firewhiskey, madly drunk.

Other drunk Gryffindors raise their bottles to toast including Dean, Seamus, Lavender, Parvati, and many of the older Gryffindors, too.

It seemed that just Harry, Neville, and I stayed sober.

"Al-alright, now, settle down, bitches, settle down!" Ron exclaimed, "Seamus, what the fuck? Leave some for me you ass-"

Ron ran to Seamus and took his firewhiskey.

"Ron! That was the last one! And you've had like 20!" Seamus argued.

"Yeah, well, I want more!" Ron exclaimed, it wasn't long until all the drunk Gryffindors fought for the last firewhiskey, but then Ron threw up and fainted.

"Let's go for a walk," Harry added to me as we laughed at Seamus and Dean wrestling for the last firewhiskey. "

"Alright, let's go," I replied. We walked out of the common room and out the castle to the school grounds.


Harry held my hand as we walked on the school grounds, the night was spectacular.

The stars were bright and there were owls chirping and light bugs illuminating the grounds.

There was a little place at the lake just perfect for watching the stars, and that's where Harry and I were sitting.

"Mione," Harry said calmly as he put his arm around me and we fell back by the tree behind us, "remember when Ron asked me who I thought was the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts? But I didn't answer?" Harry said looking in my eyes, his beautiful emerald, green, eyes. His cheek bones looked great in under the light of the light bugs.

"Yes, I remember," I said, I didn't feel butterflies anymore, but that was replaced with a floating sensation. Harry chuckled.

"Well, your the most beautiful girl on this planet, Mione," Well, that made the floating sensation bigger.

"Harry, I-"


Harry leaned closer to me, I felt his warm breath on my cheek. We were so close, so very close.

"I love you, Harry-Bear," I added, we touched foreheads and noses.

"I love you, too, Mione," Harry replied, looking through my eyes.

We were really close now.

Harry made the move. I felt his warm, chapped lips on my warm, smooth ones.

The kiss was embracing, graceful, warm, humble, and ugh, I'm running out of words.

Harry pulled me closer, we fell on the floor, and we were holding each other close.

His warm arms were around me as mine were around him.

Harry pulled away, but I wanted to continue.

"I love you, Mione," Harry whispered to me, I chuckled.

"I love you, too," I whispered back.

I started to kiss him and he kissed back.

We were still under the stars, on the floor, and hugging each other tight,

Harry played with my hair and I played with his as we kissed. After a while, Harry pulled back.

"I'm in love with you, Hermione, and I would be the happiest person alive if you were mine and I was yours," Harry whispered in my ear.

I smiled, "Yes, I would probably be the happiest person alive, also, Harry-Bear,"

Harry yawned and gripped me tighter. As soon as we both knew it, we both fast asleep in each other's arms.

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