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Hey guys! I'll be on vacation for the next week or so, so sorry if I don't update anything! Love yall💚

Harry stirred in his sleep.

I opened my eyes. The sun was rising and the lake looked a spectacular orange.

Harry and I were sleeping on the school grounds by the lake.

"Oh my goodness!" I whispered in alarm, but then the events of last night struck me.

Harry and me's kiss and everything. The floating sensation came back and I couldn't help but smile.

I looked over at Harry. His messy, black hair was covering his eyes as he slept, and his mouth was in a sly smile.

"Mione..." He groaned as he slept on. He smiled bigger.

Harry opened his eyes and looked at me. Surprise and panic replaced the look in his eyes. Harry sat up so quickly that he knocked himself over.

"Harry! Are you alright?" I asked him, laughing slightly.

"I-I thought this was a dream," Harry said, his eyes unfocused, he hesitated "I'd never, ever think I'd get this lucky," Harry sighed and looked down, then up at me and smiled his goofy smile.

I felt the floating sensation return to me. I smiled back at him.

"I'd never actually been this lucky," I replied, grinning at Harry, it was true, also. Hogwarts, Ron, and Harry are probably the best things that have ever happened to me, but this was literally like a dream.

Harry grabbed my hand and stood up, I stood up, too.

Harry ran his free hand through my hair, and (being taller than me) he kissed my forehead.

This really caused me to blush, a lot. The tingling feelings came back.

"Let's tell Ron that we're together now, he might as well know," Harry whispered in my ear.

"Of course, let's go," I whispered back as we headed hand-in-hand back towards the castle.


"Bloody hell..." Harry whispered in awe as we stepped into the infirmary.

More than half the beds in there were taken up by, as I realized, hungover Gryffindors.

I spotted Ron in the far back by his vivid red hair.

"Fucking Merlin..." Harry and I heard Ron groan.

Harry and I walked to his bed.

Ron looked awful, he was pale and had heavy bags under his eyes.

"I'm never drinking again," Ron groaned, as he put his head in his hands. Harry chuckled.

"Was I really that drunk?" Ron asked, removing his head from his hands and looking up at us.

"Mate, you were giving toasts to Snape's ass, yes, you were really that drunk," Harry laughed.

We were still holding hands and Ron's eyes traveled to our hands then quickly looked away and he winked at me.

Harry looked at me and smiled. "Ready?" Harry whispered in my ear.

"Yes, let's do it," I whispered back, "Ron... Harry and I are together now," I said, all too quickly, you could note the excitement in my voice.

Ron screamed.


Harry and I walked to to the great hall for lunch.

Harry had his arm around my shoulders and I had my arm around his waist.

The word that Harry and I were dating traveled like wild fire throughout the school. Harry and I got compliments, as well as rude comments.

"Your girlfriend looks like Snape's ass," Malfoy stated as we walked past him down to Potions. Malfoy got cursed by Harry, which for me and everyone else was hilarious.

Ron was still in the infirmary along with many other Gryffindors, but being one of the ones who drank the most, he was still in as many of the least drinking Gryffindors could leave.

As Harry and I walked inside the great hall, many stood up to get a good look at us.

Some people were smiling and cheering as some were booing and frowning, but Ginny was probably the worst.

Ginny was red as fuck and looked absolutely furious.

She gave me the most hateful stare and started stabbing her food.

Harry grabbed my hand and started to massage my hand with his thumb.

"Don't worry about Ginny, okay?" Harry whispered to me, "don't you apologize to her for something you didn't do, if anyone, she should be the one apologizing," Harry said to me with symphony.

I looked at him and smiled. "There's my favorite smile," Harry said, grinning, kissing me on my cheek. I giggled, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ginny break a fork in half.


Harry and I went to all our classes and dinner, even visited Ron again, who screamed and fell out of his bed when we came inside.

By the end of the day, everyone knew about our relationship.

I said goodnight to Harry and headed up to the dormitory.

I came inside and saw Ginny in there. This was weird because this was the forth year dormitory and Ginny was a third year.

"Er, hello Ginny," I stammered.

"Hello Hermione," Ginny said in obvious sarcasm, "how are things between you and Harry-Bear?" Ginny asked in a cold tone.

"Great, thank you for asking," I replied in the same cold tone, this made Ginny even more furious.

"But I can't help but comment, how you're with Harry?" Ginny asked circling me like a hawk, which was creeping me out, "how you, the ugly, fat, nerd girl, ended up with The Boy Who Lived? Ha, you and him will never last,"

"Same way you're passing your classes, with luck, I suppose," I said back, with hate in my tone.

Ginny's expression changed from satisfied to furious in a snap.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?!" Ginny yelled.

"It means you're really fucking dumb," I replied with a smile and obviously fake cheeriness.

"How dare you?!" Ginny shouted as she reached for her wand, but I reached mine first.

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted and Ginny's wand flew out of her hand, I caught in the air. Ginny just laughed.

"You watch, nerd girl, as soon as you know it, Harry will be with me!" Ginny shouted, "now if you don't mind, I'm leaving!"

"I don't mind at all!" I shouted back, "and here! Have back your wand, I don't want anything to do with a bitch like you!" I threw her wand to her, but she caught it.

"FINE!" Ginny bellowed, "YOU'LL BEGGING MY FORGIVENESS IN THE END AFTER HARRY BREAKS UP WITH YOU!" Ginny slammed the door with so much force the entire room shook.

I scoffed at you'll be begging my forgiveness in the end! yeah, it's her that will be begging for my forgiveness.

I crawl into my bed and think about Harry. Ginny's right. I really just got Harry out of luck and sooner or later, he'll come to his senses about dating someone as ugly and worthless as me, and he'll break up with me.

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