"Finally Back"

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Hey guys! So enjoy chapter 4! Love you!!!💚

I woke up the next day with Harry on top of me.

"Harry! Why are you on top of me?" I said giggling.

"I'm just returning the favor, and we have to get ready for the Hogwarts today, remember?" Harry said to me whispering.

Panic struck me, I hadn't packed yet!

"Harry! Oh my goodness! I haven't packed anything!" I said getting up from my bed to pack, but Harry stopped me.

"It's okay Mione, I packed your things while you slept," Harry said while rubbing his neck.

"Oh Harry! You definitely are too sweet! You didn't have to!" I said hugging him, he hugged back tighter.

"No it's okay... You just looked too peaceful sleeping," Harry replied, grinning with his eyes bright green.

I looked at my packed trunk and it was organized and perfect.

"Thank you, Harry, but what time is it?" I said smiling at him, he's perfect.

"About 9:00, Mrs. Weasley has your breakfast ready, but the train doesn't leave until 10:30," Harry told me, "Come on, I haven't eaten yet, so let's go together,"

"Alright," I said cheerfully.

Harry held my cold hand into his always sweaty one as we walked down the stairs into the kitchen where Ron was stuffing his face as usual.

I looked around hopefully to see if Ginny wasn't there and she wasn't. Harry and I sat across from Ron and ordered the usual, waffles.

"Listen Mione, I told Mrs. Weasley that Ginny was the one that broke the plate," Harry told me quietly, so only Ron and I could hear him.

"Yeah, there was no reason to take the blame, especially for Ginny," Ron said.

"Why did you tell Mrs. Weasley, it was my fault Ginny had thrown it," I said quietly.

"It wasn't your fault at all, Mione, it was Ginny's and she deserves to be grounded from not trying out for the Quidditch Team." Harry responded.

"What? She's grounded? Oh now she's gonna hate me even more," I said,

Ginny was basically my only female friend, and we were getting to know each other better. Now we're probably enemies...


We all got ready and went to the platform by ministry car. The whole car trip was extremely quiet because Ginny, Harry, and me were all sitting in the back.

Harry was sitting between us. Ginny was obviously sorry for the fight with Harry yesterday because she kept putting her head on Harry's shoulder, but he kept pushing her head off his shoulder causing me to giggle a little, and Ginny always glanced at me furiously every time I did, so she obviously still hated my guts.

Ginny finally gave up and looked pissed off the entire car ride which for me was great seeing her furious.

We arrived to the platform and went through it as usual, then we were on the express looking for a compartment.


We finally found an empty one, and Ginny tried to sit on Harry, but Harry asked her if she could leave.

"Excuse me, but I can sit anywhere I damn please!" Ginny shouted.

"Yeah, okay, can you just not sit on me or maybe, even better, go to another compartment?" Harry replied to Ginny's comment.

Ginny looked furious and close to angry tears, she turned to leave and slammed the compartment door shut.

"Hey Ron, could you tell Ginny to stop hitting on me? It's getting really annoying," Harry told Ron in a annoyed tone.

I was really glad Harry didn't like Ginny back, and I hate admitting it because it's incredibly selfish, but my heart would burst with joy every time he declined her.

"Yeah alright, let's see how she takes that," Ron said laughing.


We talked just about the whole ride to Hogwarts. Until we finally arrived. All three of us took a wagon, and Harry held my hand and started rubbing it with his thumb up and down, it was incredibly relaxing.

We looked at the sky which was filled with stars, and Hogwarts looked spectacular in the night sky. We were getting close now.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Harry said to me quietly, he pointed at the castle.

"It's gorgeous, Harry," I said to him sleepily.

I yawned and he placed my head on his shoulder, and he played with my hair. I couldn't imagine where else I would rather be than in Harry's arms, and maybe my crush on him hadn't faded, but instead it had grown.

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