12. Sweet Taste

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Savannah's POV

Since I came back from Rosanna's, I've just been locked up in my room all day. I'm so glad it's the holidays, at least now I don't get to see Callum most of the time. Today is Monday and Theo has already put me down for a lot of times to study. I know I was super motivated to revise at the start but I really just want to chill. Come on, it's only Monday. We should all get Monday off.

I groan out of bed and take a quick shower, at least I'm all refreshed now. I change into one of Adam's long jumpers that I stole and head downstairs. I love how guys can have such big jumpers yet it looks so small on them.

Halfway down the stairs, I can already smell the delicious aroma of a pie. I'm not going to lie, it made me run down the stairs a bit quicker.

When I get to the kitchen I see Theo sat at the table, beaming and endlessly staring at 2 pies in front of him like a kid with candy. It's the most adorable sight I've seen all day. One pie has stars on it and the other one has raspberries and strawberries on it. I feel my mouth watering slightly, they do look delicious. "Woah, where did you buy them?"

He looks up to me, smiles and raises his brows. "You look proud of my creations." 

He's really skilled and I would never have thought he could make anything like this. I point to the pies. "You're telling me you made them?"

He looks back at his pies. "Yeah, can't wait to eat them."

I scoff at him. "You lie so much."

His brows stay down this time. "What have I lied about?"

"You making them."

"I did make them."

I smirk this time, teasing him. "Yeah, yeah."

"Who else would've made them? Everyone in this house is useless."

I cross my arms. "Oh, so I'm useless now? Okay, I see how it is." I turn my head away from Theo.

"No, you're my favourite."

I reply immediately. "But still useless."

"Savannah, stop being stupid."

I raise my brows. "So now I'm useless and stupid."

He's stuck for words as he sighs. "No, don't do this to me." It makes me giggle, he's like a helpless puppy.

I unfold my arms. "Sorry, sorry, it's just funny messing with you."

Theo rolls his eyes with a smirk. "Shut up and come here." I walk up to the side of him and he tugs on the bottom of my jumper. "I think you'll look better in mine." The thought makes me blush. He puts his hand on my back and guides me in front of his leg. "Sit here."

My eyes widen. "Are you serious? What if Matt or Adam comes?"

"I'll know when they come, don't worry about it." I take his word for it and sit on Theo's lap. "Good girl, which one do you want to eat."

I was intrigued to say 'you' just for a joke but I knew Theo would take it a step too far. "The one with the strawberries."

He gets a fork that's close to him and takes a piece of the pie and slowly brings it to my direction. "Open your mouth." It comes out as a whisper. I do as he says, releasing a short gap between my lips. He lets the pie barely graze my lips and then switches the direction and places it into his own mouth with a smirk. This tease! He smiles cheekily whilst his mouth is full of pie. Wow...

It was quite funny, but of course, I shouldn't let Theo feel completely satisfied. I roll my eyes and get off him. "Ugh, I hate you."

He puts his arm on my back and draws me back in whilst laughing. "Look I'm sorry, just don't mess with me." Held in place, I turn my head the opposite way from him and cross my arms, making it obvious that I have a problem with him. Eventually, the movement of laughter from Theo's body ends. "Do you still want the pie?" I nod my head. "Well I'm going to save that for later but I guess you can taste it from my mouth." I turn to face him startled which makes him raise his brows. "Ah, so you like that idea huh?"

"No, I hate it."

"You won't know until you try it."

"I know enough actually."

He shrugs his shoulders. "Why don't we find out." Without giving it a second thought, Theo places his hand on the back of my neck and draws my head towards his as he begins to kiss me. A slow, tender kiss, like he's trying to stretch out the moment for as long as he can. He actually does tastes sweeter. His other hand is placed on my back as he presses me against him, while he tries to intensify the kiss.

"Who made pie?" An enthusiastic shout comes from the top of the stairs followed by continuous footsteps. Whoever it is, they're rushing. Theo pulls away from me and ushers me under the table. That's where I am now, waiting, I don't know why I listened to him. Irritated at the guy who destroyed our moment.

"I did, you idiot." Theo responds in an average but annoyed tone.

I think it's Matt by the voice, he doesn't sense Theo's irritation. "Give me some."

"Get some yourself. You're not a kid." I thought he was 'saving it for later', what a liar.

"Damn, chill man." I hear plates and cutlery then the screech of the chair as he drags it out and sits down. Making me on full alert. Thank God the tablecloth drops all the way to the floor, otherwise, I would've been caught. "So who's that sexy student you tutor?"

"I know exactly who you're talking about, that's Katie."

"Give me her number or instagram or something."

"I only have her number because of work and I can't give it to you, you need to ask her for it yourself. I was going to hook her up with Adam but if you want her that badly then go for it."

"Alright then, I'll ask her. Imagine fucking her. Have you seen her body? " Oh my God. Matt's already thinking about having sex with her. 

"Yeah mate, I see it all the time. You do what you wanna do, I don't care." What the fuck? Is he forgetting I'm here? How is he talking about her body whilst I'm under the table, I'm fighting all urge to bite off his dick right now.

Matt's voice turns serious. "Talking about girls, what did you do to Savannah on Friday?" He's talking about me now?

"What are you talking about?" Theo sounds as bewildered as I am.

"On Friday at around 6ish I saw Savannah run out of your room, looking like she was about to cry, man." Oh, our first kiss.

There's a pause for a few seconds. "Why are you only mentioning this now?"

"It's been at the back of my head and I wasn't going to say it in front of Adam, was I?"

"Well, nothing happened. I was teaching her maths and she just couldn't do it, that's all."

"If you say so, remember she's Adam's sister don't be so harsh on her."

"I haven't man."

"Alright well I'm going back up, I'll see you later."

There's a bit of shuffling then I hear Matt walk back up the stairs.

Theo's voice is faint. "Savannah come out." I crawl out from the table and look at Theo. He avoids eye contact and stares at the floor. "Go to my room, I'll come up in a sec." His mood is off and so is mine, I'm not going to forget what he said about Katie.

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