40. Danger

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Savannah's POV

After my thoughts eat away at my brain I come across a realisation. This man is dangerous so without a doubt, he'll have a gun somewhere in his room. I search in every draw and nothing. Then I look in his wardrobe and I find multiple suitcases however each one is locked. Ugh, he's probably got one of those hidden rooms like in the movies.

But what if he gets attacked in bed, he must have one close to him. I look under the pillow and under the bed but still, I have no luck. I decide to try under the mattress as ridiculous as it may seem and finally find a pistol that looks exactly as the one Carlo was using. Why would he keep it under the mattress he would've been dead already if he was attacked in bed.

I stand up looking at the gun that's in my hand. I don't know whether to stand or sit when he comes into the room. Am I even going to use this thing? Ugh what am I saying? I need to for the sake of my life... and Theo's.

I decide to stand up and wait for him. Almost half an hour later the door begins to shuffle making me on full alert. I aim the gun right at the head of the door.

Carlo walks in and looks at me shocked at first but then quickly places a smirk on his face. "I was expecting a warm welcoming, you do continue to surprise me Savannah."

"L-Let me go or I'll shoot you."

"If you can aim that gun at my head without shaking so much, I'll let you go."

That's when I take a moment to realise that my hand that's holding the gun is shaking so much that it doesn't look normal at all.

The next thing I know is that the gun has been taken from my hand and a powerful shooting pain is coming from my arm. "Ahh" I cry out in pain and sit on the floor whilst clutching my hand.

Carlo grabs me by the chin aggressively and yanks me up. "Next time when you have your hands on a gun make sure you're brave enough to use it." He throws me on the bed making me land on my arm which increases the pain.

"I need to go home."

He snarls at me. "Whatever I say happens and you're fucking staying here."

"But my parents... they'd want to know where I am."

"That reminds me. Jason!" He calls as one of the guards come in. "Give me her phone." How did I forget my phone! Shit! I've been so distracted over the gun that I forgot about my phone.

"I don't have it boss. Kyle do you have her phone."

Two other guards come in. "We don't have it boss."

He begins to shout. "Did you even search her?"

They all shake their heads.

"Get out of my fucking sight before I shoot you all!" He says aiming the gun towards them.

They rush out as he mumbles to himself. He eventually turns to me. "Give me your phone." He holds out his hand.

"I don't have it, I left it at home."

"Don't make me ask twice."

I take my phone out of his pocket. 

"Call your parents in front of me and put it on speaker. Tell them you're staying at a friend's for the night."

I do as he says."Hello Savannah darling, how are you?"

"H-hi mum, I'm good." I feel Carlo's hard stare on me. "I was just wondering if I could stay at Rosanna's for the night."

"Savannah you know that you should've asked me earlier instead of being so last minute." Please say no. Please say no. "However I'll let you off this time, go and have some fun."

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