1. Sweet introductions

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Savannah's POV

I wake up to the sound of the moving van 'vrrr' 

Ugh just what I need to start off my day.

I roll my eyes and look over at the clock and it reads 10:00 am. Shit! I was supposed to be at work for 9:00 am.

My panic quickly fades as I realise that I'm late I don't need to be on time now so I should take my time to get ready.

I reach for my phone and turn it on. 4 messages are waiting for me. The first and second were from the restaurant owner...

Where are you?

You're lucky you mean more to me than an employee.

Chill, I'll be there in an hour.

Never mind an hour, I want you here in 10 minutes.

Is he crazy? How can he expect me to get ready in 10 minutes? Obviously, I'm not going to listen to him and again I'm going to take my time.

He's my uncle, he won't mind.

I go straight into the shower and do whatever that needs to be done there. When I come out I blow dry my dark coloured hair, quickly put on some makeup and wear a white t-shirt with a short denim skirt, and some glasses for style.

I run downstairs and grab a breakfast bar. Halfway towards the front door, my mum steps in front blocking my way.

She stares at me at first with a huge smile on her face. I raise my brows to prompt her to say whatever she needs to then she finally speaks. "Make sure you finish early, at around 4."

I don't know how that is going to be possible as I'm already so late for work.

"Ok, ok." I swerve past her and wave goodbye not even questioning why.

I jump into my car and drive off. I should've asked why she was so happy. She knows I'm late for work and on a normal day, she'd be shouting at me and giving me a massive lecture because of it.

I arrive home unintentionally 30 minutes late and I am absolutely exhausted. My uncle he made me work constantly without a break all because I came late and I'm finishing early. I guess it makes sense but my god, I need a holiday already.

I can't wait to just sit on the sofa and watch some Netflix. I deserve a chilled afternoon. I walk into the front room and see five faces all turn towards me with big smiles. Did I walk into the wrong house?

"Come and welcome our guests, honey. They're our new next-door neighbours" says my mum, with my dad sat next to her. I recognise my brother out of the three other faces.


That's my brother!

My brother is finally home!!!

I turn to him. "Adam? It's been soooooo long, I can't believe you didn't even tell me you were coming!"

He gives me a big hug. "Hey Savannah, I messaged that I was coming over" he replies with a little laugh. I forgot I had messages left to read.

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