15. Needed Distractions

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Savannah's POV

I've made an effort. I rarely make an effort but when I do, I feel gorgeous. I curled my hair and then brushed out the curls so my hair looks nice and wavy. Afterward, I put on more makeup than I regularly do and add false eyelashes. Eyelashes change my face completely. I look totally different, in a good way.

I eye myself up in the mirror when I'm all dressed up, and I look sexy. I get happy seeing myself look so good, way better than how I've been seeing myself lately.

I walk down the stairs slowly and realise how hard it is to walk in heels. I haven't been wearing them for a long time so I need to be careful not to trip, fall down the stairs and die. 

Every mirror I walk past I briefly stare at myself, loving the way I look. I know, I shouldn't be acting like I'm the prettiest girl in the world but I can't help with the confidence.

I shout, getting annoyed at how late I'm running. "Adam, I can't wait any longer." I'm only 20 minutes late but I'm so excited I want to be at the party now.

I eventually hear footsteps from the stairs and I turn towards the noise. "Fina-" I was mistaken, it's Theo.

He's wearing a jumper and the hood is slightly over his head. He locks his eyes with mine and doesn't look away. He looks so hot, it hurts how he manipulated me so much. I shut my eyes of the memory and look away.

That's when I hear Matt whistle. "Look at you!"

I turn towards him and let out a shy laugh. "Thank you, Matt."

With a wink, he leans against the wall opposite me continuously looking at me up and down.

Adam finally comes down. His brows knit together instantly as he looks at me. "No, you're not wearing that."

"Oh my god, don't you start. Let me have fun."

He shakes his head. "No, I'm not taking you."

"Fine. I'll take myself." I'm not going to let him ruin my night. I grab my car keys from the bowl and march towards the door, being cautious to not embarrass myself by falling face flat on the floor whilst I get used to the heels.

"Continue with that and I'll tell mum and dad."

"Tell them. What are they going to do? They're on holiday, they can't stop me now, can they?"

"Ugh, wait Sav."

I look back at Adam with a smirk. "What?"

"You're not going on your own, I'll take you." He comes down from the stairs and walks to the car with me following behind him.

On the way to Grace's, Adam begins to talk. "Are you going to drink?" I've never drank alcohol in my life. I've never been tempted to but I feel like today I should let my hair down.

"I think so, a bit though."

"It's your first time, isn't it?"


He scratches the back of his head. "Just be careful with how much you drink. Everyone goes crazy on their first time." The car stops as we've reached Graces, I message my friends that I'm here.

"I will, don't worry Adam."

"Be careful. I'll pick you up at around 12." That's overprotective Adam for you.

"Yeah yeah." I rush out the car and meet up my friends at the front of the house.

Rosanna is the first to hug me. "Woo, you look so hot, baby!"

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