35. Irrational Behaviour

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Savannah's POV

Turns out my parents found out that I've stopped going to work and they decided to give me an hour-long lecture of how it'll affect my life up until the stage where I'm laying on my death bed.

After being left alone in the front room, Adam walks in. "I heard all of that, you alright?"

"Nice to see you here. Yeah, they just over exaggerated the situation."

He sits down on the sofa with me and smiles. "I didn't come for you, I came for them. But you do need to be serious about this."

"Yeah it's just with college it's hard to keep up."

"I understand Sav, I've been there plenty of times."

"Talking about work, what is your job?"

He picks up his phone and begins to click on it. "What? Since when did you want to know?"

"Since the other day so tell me."


"What do you mean why? How many cars do you have?"

"Cars? What are you on about?... I've got just the one."

"Theo told me. You don't need to lie to me."

Adam finally looks up at me and clears his throat. "He what? What did he tell you Savannah?"

"Nothing, he just showed me the cars... he said you share them with him."

His face turns sour and he mumbles something under his breath that I don't catch. "He's lying."

"You're lying."

He runs his hand through his hair. "Savannah you don't know a thing."

"Well, I can start somewhere with you telling me what job you have." He sighs and ignores me then begins to click on his phone. Ugh, it's so irritating. "Adam?"

With his eyes still focused on his phone he replies. "Huh?"

"What do you work as?" He leaves me hanging for an answer again. Because Adam is my brother it irritates me further.

I guess I have no choice but to yank his phone away from him. His grip is the worst. "What are you doing? Give me it back." As soon as I get his phone I run out of the room and begin to circle around the living room. What I next find on his phone screen holds me in place allowing him to get his phone back off me. He turns it off and shoves it in his pocket.

Neither of us says a thing for a few minutes but I can't let what I just saw slide smoothly. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"I saw it, Adam."

"Exactly so you already know what it was." 

"Just explain it to me then."

"I think it was self-explanatory."

"Were you ever going to tell me?"

"Were you ever going to tell me about you and Theo?"

Shit. I shuffle a bit and avoid eye contact but I'm not going to admit. "Nothing is going on between us."

"Neither with me and Rosanna."

"Adam I just saw the texts. I know. there's no point denying it."

"Okay, so what if there is something going on between us. What is your problem?"

"She's my best friend Adam."

"And Theo is mine. But you don't see me complaining."

"I'm not with Theo."

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