24. Tension

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Savannah's POV

After my mind being abused for an hour and a half I finally realise that about half of the questions Theo taught me today were on the test and I've done every single one of them entirely wrong.

When I'm on my break I get a text from Rosanna.

Did you find out what happened to Callum?

No, but I will.

She reminds me of the situation Callum is in. I turn to Theo. "Oh my god Theo, you should've seen Callum today. He looked so bad."

Theo begins to smile. "Did you like what I did to him?"

"I don't think you did that. You only hit him like once. But half of his face was covered in bruises."

"Yeah, that was me." He proudly says without removing the grin off his face.

I stop the enthusiasm in my voice. "When?"

"Last night." He sits up. "You didn't actually think I would go to bed did you?"

"But why didn't you tell me?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "You'd stop me."

"But why hit him more? You already did enough the first time."

"He won't learn from a little smack. I needed to show him properly."

"But Callum's your cousin," I emphasise.

He grits his teeth. "Don't refer to him as that." Theo's beginning to sound mad but that only heats me up more

"You could've easily killed him."

"I knew I did enough to not kill him." The more he talks, the more I'm lost for words. I can't believe Theo could do something so harmful to his own family.

"And that whole Matt thing was you too?"

"Yep." He's completely unfazed about what he's done.

"I need a glass of water," I mumble and head out the room straight towards the kitchen. I reach out for a glass and fill it up with water. Then I consume half of it as quickly as I can and I realise now that I'm seriously thirsty.

"Savannah." Theo's voice startles me as I hastily put my glass in the sink and turn towards him. "What are you doing?" I don't reply to him so he begins to walk up to me and I back up against the counter. "Why are you backing away?" He stops in his tracks and stares at me waiting for a reply.

"Um- just."

"Savannah, Callum deserved to get hit, he put you in danger. So why are you running away from me?"

"Because you don't even realise what you've done."

For a second his face drops but then he instantly changes it back to his cold, emotionless expression. "I don't think you understand that if I hadn't have noticed you acting weird and stopped Callum then you would be crying for weeks knowing what he did to you and even after you think you've got over it, that day would haunt you for the rest of your life even when you think you're at the happiest. And if you don't realise that then there's no point in you even speaking to me anymore." With nothing left to say he walks back up to his room and slams the door shut.

The uneasy silence Theo leaves behind him is deafening, nothing but my thoughts fill it up. 

A few moments later of me contemplating the situation in my head, I finally decide to speak to Theo to get a better understanding of what happened.

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