13. Temperatures are rising

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Savannah's POV

When I go up to Theo's room I don't know what to do. Shall I stand up or sit down? Should I sit on his bed? Or chair? Or floor? I don't know. He sounded so serious downstairs and avoided as much eye contact as he could. I can't help but overthink the situation. I decide to just sit on the edge of his bed.

Theo comes into the room a few minutes later and locks the door. Making me wonder what he has been doing. He just sits on the bed next to me but keeps a bit of distance while he does it. The silence is deafening. I don't even know what's happening.

I can't contain myself anymore and speak up. "What's up?" He looks up at me for a quick second then back at his hands. Not answering me and letting the silence continue on. 

I can't stay in this awkward situation so I decide to walk out the room. I get up and try the door, then realise it's locked again. I've made the same mistake twice. I facepalm myself in my thoughts.

"Where are you going?" Theo finally speaks.

I turn around. "Well I waited and you, won't speak to me, so I'm going to go."

He holds my hand. "Don't go, please." It makes me melt. I sit back down on the bed, closer to him this time.

"Tell me what's up?"

He looks up to me, holding the gaze. Maybe too much, it's like he can see into me and read all my thoughts with just one stare. I hate how he does this. It makes me feel intimidated as I don't know what to do. "Is it true, were you upset after that kiss?"

I swallow. "No."

"Then why did Matt say?"

"I don't know."

Theo lets go of my hand. "Stop giving me nothing. Tell me how you felt."

"Well you're Adam's best friend and I'm his only sister, and we both betrayed him. Didn't you feel a little guilty after having the kiss? I liked the kiss, of course I did. But it didn't feel right at all."

Theo lets out a breath. "Is that it?" 

All of the emotions from my voice go. "Yeah."

"Are you sure I didn't hurt you in any way? Or that I was too strong with you? Do you have bruises?" This shakes up my whole system.

What the fuck? "No."

"Let me check, just in case." He pulls me closer to him.

I push myself away from him and back away. "No, why would you even think that ?"

He gets up from the bed, rushes up to me and holds both my hands. "I am a big guy. Sometimes these things happen, just let me know if I go too hard on you." 


"Good girl, now go to the study room, it's your time in 10 mins."

I pull his hands away from me. "No, I'm not done with you. Do you like Katie? Why were you speaking about her body."

He pauses and begins to think. "Shit."

"Shit? That's it?"

He panics. "No I'm sorry I know how it sounds and I don't know how to explain myself enough for you to understand."

"Well you best start talking because I'm not happy with it at all."

"Look Savannah, I was just agreeing with Matt so he stops talking about her. I don't want to speak about her she doesn't interest me one bit."

I don't know how I feel about that, if I trust him enough to believe him. With doubt still in my mind I nod my head. "Okay, I'll wait for you in the study room." 

I do as he says and he goes to the bathroom. Shortly after, he follows me and our session begins.

It's Tuesday today and Theo didn't touch me or tease me one bit yesterday. I miss it. Something is definitely off with this guy.

Tomorrow is the big party and Callum has been messaging me constantly, he still hasn't mentioned Theo and I'm glad that he's avoiding it.

Seen as though I'm going out tomorrow, I've decided to start the day off with a bit of maths. Simultaneous equations...hard, very hard. But I reckon I can do it.

It's now 3pm, obviously, I haven't just been doing maths all day. I've chilled for a few hours, I needed a break.

I actually finished a hard level simultaneous equation and I'm highly proud of myself, I can't wait to show Theo so he can check it. If I've got this right, this shitty equation would make my day. I know, my life is that sad.

I run waving my paper in the air to his room. I know he's probably tutoring someone as mine is till later but I don't care. I solved a mother fucking simultaneous equation, bow down bitch.

I try the door and he hasn't locked either of them. I run into his study room, making an entrance. "Look at what I-" Are my eyes playing with me?

Katie is laying on his desk with Theo hovering over her and both of them are topless, kissing like their life depends on it, like they're just about to have sex or they've already done it. What the fuck! Can someone slap me, please? Oh no, it's fine, I've already received a slap.

Theo actually notices my existence after what feels like a few minutes, like hello? Was my voice not loud enough? He looks like he has seen a ghost. I hope he gets possessed for all care. I speak as quickly as I can. "I'll go."

I run out of his room and hear him behind me. "Savannah wait." I act like I can't hear Theo and lock the door of my room. I'm hurt. Why would he do this to me? What happened to 'she's not my type' 'she doesn't interest me one bit'. We only just spoke about her, he reassured me.

Why did I even believe him? I should've seen this coming. I can't help the endless warm tears that are running down my face. I scrunch up the paper and shot it in the bin. Fuck him.

I need a bath, at least that can calm me down. I start the water to run and let the tub fill up. I get undressed and look at my reflection in the mirror. Of course Theo didn't want me I'm just the stupid fling to him, I have nothing going for me. Who the fuck would want me? No one even gives me a second look. No wonder I'm a virgin. No wonder nobody wants to fuck me.

Anyone in their right minds would choose someone like Katie over me. Theo just can't admit it because he's a fake twisted liar. He just says the right things in the moment that girls want to hear to get them into bed. I hate his life. I hate him so much.

The tub is full after me mentally abusing my looks. I touch the water and it's hot, just what I need. I sit in the tub letting the water burn every bit of skin up to my neck. Then I unplug the tub so the water flows out of it and turn on the tap so it fills up at the same time. Allowing the temperature of the water to gradually increase as I do so.

After what feels like half an hour I feel my eyelids become heavy. This is actually a good place to sleep. I let my eyelids fall as I see nothing but black.

I hear a knock on my bathroom door followed by, the man himself, Theo. "Savannah, are you in there?"

Of course, I am, where else would I fucking be?

"It says that you've let the water run for 2 hours, are you alright?"

What the fuck do you think?

"Speak to me"

I am, you idiot.

"Savannah, I'm going to come in okay?"

Fuck off, don't come near me.

I hear the door open. "Shit. What the fuck have you done Savannah?" He holds my head up in his hands. "Please Savannah, wake up."

I am awake you fake bitch.

"Fuck. The waters boiling."

He turns the tap off. No! Why is he ruining this?

He holds me and removes me out of the bath, I feel a towel around me and feel him holding  me in a princess carry. "Why would you do this to yourself Savannah?"

Take one guess.

Then I completely lose my consciousness in Theo's arms.

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