18. Solving Issues

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Savannah's POV

I've decided I'm going to talk to Theo and listen to what he has to say. I told Matt this and he said he's going to text Theo and see what he says. I don't even know how to start talking to Theo. I'm so nervous and I don't know why. It's like it's the first time I'm going to meet him.

I check my phone and I have 2 messages. Both from Rosanna.

I've got gossip
You need to call me quick

I'm a bit busy atm but I will later x

Matt walks into my room. Does this guy not know how to knock? "Yoooooo."

I roll my eyes to the back of my head. "What do you want Matt?"

"Theo's going to be parked around the corner in half an hour so be ready and go there. He'll be in his car, not his bike." Oh my god. It's actually happening.


"His motorbike." Damn, I want to see that. He turns around and starts to walk to his room.

"Wait, what about Adam?"

"Make up an excuse, I don't know." Then he enters his room and shuts the door.

Well, that was quick.

After getting ready I knock on Adam's door and actually wait for him to reply. "Yeah." It's my cue to walk in, I see him sat at his desk on his laptop.

"Hey, so I'm going to work and I probably won't be back for a few hours." I actually don't know how long I'm going to spend with Theo but just in case we take our time I've thought of it.

His eyes are fixed on the screen. "Work? You haven't gone at all since you lived here."

"I know but Max is the owner so he lets me come in whenever I want." That's a lie. I quit as soon as my parents went on holiday because they basically forced me to go but now that they're not here I deserve a break.

"Oh yeah, the restaurant. Tell him I said hi."

"Okay bye."

I walk into my room to get my bag when Matt rushes in. "What are you doing? Theo's waiting."

"I know, sorry. I was just getting my bag."

"What do you need that for?" Then he facepalms himself. "Girls are so difficult."

"Erm, I am stood here you know."

"So what? Go out."

Clearly, I have no other choice but to exit the house. If I didn't in that moment, Matt would've probably dragged me out of the house himself. It's hilarious as he seems more stressed than me over this whole situation.

I walk over to the corner of the house and see Theo in his car. He comes out of the car before I reach the door and opens the passenger's side for me. "Hey, you alright?"

I sit in the passenger's side. "Yeah thanks, are you?"

"Yep." He closes my door, then moments later he comes in from the other side. Theo looks so smart and he smells so good, his cologne is strong but not overpowering like how most guys put it on. "You still need help with your seatbelt?" He starts to laugh.

I put it on immediately. "Sorry. I didn't know I had to put it on within a minute of getting into the car."

He shakes his head. "It doesn't matter. Do you mind if you don't talk until I stop my car because I need to think."

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