28. Lacking Connection

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Savannah's POV

When I went upstairs and waited for Theo, he tutored me and that's it. He didn't talk about what happened and whenever I tried to bring it up he'll just brush off the subject.

A few days after that, again, nothing special has happened between me and Theo. As he'll only tutor me. Occasionally he will kiss me but these days that's not enough.

Whenever I tell him that we're drifting apart and hardly hang out with each other he replies with something like this "I'm sorry baby girl, I've just got a lot of work to do but I promise in a few weeks time we'll be like how we were before." And then ends it with a kiss on the cheek. A few weeks is too long for me to bear.

I mean I do like him, way too much to even compare but recently I can't help it but to just feel hopeless about this.

Today is Friday and I've decided that instead of keeping my feelings to myself I seriously need a shoulder to cry on.

Hey, can you come round mine or something? I need some advice.

I'm sorry bae but I'm on a family outing. Are you alright? What's happened?

Aw, that's alright. Yeah I'm good thanks, nothing serious has happened, just need to update you on things.

I'll come over tomorrow, I promise.

Okay, have fun.

Thank you hun, bye.

See you later.

It didn't help that she wasn't in college so I couldn't talk to her then. Rosanna was the only hope I had. I hate this.

I need to get tutored by Theo today and I'm not even excited anymore. 

I go to Theo's home and wait for him to answer the door. "Hey, wait in my room. I just need to do something real quick." He says hastily then runs out of the house closing the door behind him. Not even waiting for me to reply.

I decided to give him a break and do as he says with a sigh.

When I reach his room I bury myself under the duvet on his bed. His covers smell so much like him which makes me cling onto them tighter. His bed is way too comfy, I need to know his secret. If I had his bed I could sleep in it forever. You can tell boredom has got to me when I start comparing the comfort of his bed to mine.

I decided to just go on my phone and busy myself with random videos instead of waiting for Theo by looking at the ceiling.

What seemed like many hours but was actually one, Theo finally walks in through the door, looking tired.

As soon as he sees me his face drops. "Babe I'm so sorry, I totally forgot." His voice is even deeper when he's tired.

Imagine how it feels when you're actually acknowledged. "Oh it's fine I guess."

He runs his hand through his hair. "I need a good hug."

He's too adorable. "Well, what are you waiting for? Join me."

He smiles lazily and lays on the bed, placing his arms around me to give me a hug. "Savannah, what did I do to deserve you?" He says with a sigh.

I close my eyes burying my head in his chest. "I should be saying the same thing about you"

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