21. Averted Abuse

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Savannah's POV

I'm so exhausted and indolent today, I know I should be excited but I really can't pull myself into that state of mind. I'm honestly the lowest I've ever been. It's like I have no emotions left, I'm not happy or scared or sad or annoyed. I'm just blank. And that's it.

My parents are coming back from holiday today and I need to find some sort of excuse for me to go out at 7:00 pm to meet Callum.

Adam rushes into the room wide-eyed at me with Matt and Theo watching TV.

"What are you all doing? Get up and clean or something." Adam has been stressing the whole day by trying to create a perfect welcoming. We're holding a family meal for my parents including Matt and Theo just because they're here.

Matt sinks deeper into the couch. "Cleaning? Are you fucking serious?"

Theo smacks him. "Shut up man, have some respect."

Adam sighs. "Look, I just want mum and dad to have a good welcome. I'll never ask you to do anything for me but just do this one thing."

Matt walks up to him, grasps his hand and pats him on the back. "Stop with that sad shit, I'll help you." 

Adam laughs and returns the gesture. "Thanks mate, appreciate it."

Matt claps his hands together. "So what first?" Pain.

I get up and head to my room. "Ugh"

It's 6:00 pm and Matt and Adam have left the house to buy some 'supplies' aka food for my parents. I've been left in the house to be babysat by Theo. Eventually, I come downstairs and lay on the couch whilst watching the TV.

Theo sits at the other end of the sofa, picks up my legs and puts it on his lap. He then continuously gently squeezes my calves back and forth. "Have you ate?"

"Yeah." That's a lie, I haven't touched a single bit of food. I'm just not in the mood.

"What's up with you Savannah?"


"Why are you acting so weird today?"

"I'm just not in the mood."


"Don't know."

"Is it cause of your parents or what?"

"No, I want them to come."

He stops squeezing me. "Savannah, tell me."

I look at him for the first time since we had our conversation and sit up, moving my legs away from him. "Can I ask you something?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "I guess."

"One of my friends had sex with her boyfriend and he recorded it. Then his friend managed to get a copy and now he's telling my friend that he wants her to have sex with him if she wants the video deleted. What should she do?"

"Oh, I know someone where something like this happened to them." And you're going to know another.

"What did they do?"

"Well guys like him are motherfuckers. It's no different than them raping a girl." I didn't think about it like that, I guess it's true in a way.

"But what did she do?"

"She didn't do it. She said no."

"Then what happened when she got exposed?"

"She didn't, he was a pussy and ended up deleting the video."

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