Chapter 30

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AN: Hey!! Here's another chapter! As always, let me know what you think. I didn't get to edit this one as much as I wanted to but here's the rough draft of it. I also love seeing all those votes that you awesome readers give me so don't be shy and enjoy the double update today! (TWO CHAPTERS??? The second one being even longer than normal!) No AN on the next chapter so don't forget to vote and comment on that one as well!

Chapter 30

                Arkell hadn't been exaggerating when he claimed this to be a room fit for one of the Royal Flight.  The room was so enormous, I could see flight training for a hatchling or two being held here if it weren't for the furniture and other ornamentation of the room. The all-white room was egg shaped with smooth floors that glinted up at us as we entered.  A large in ground basin was on the far side of the room, filled with water for washing, next to which sat a pile of drying cloths.  Three, red, circular hanging beds just to the side of the basin interrupted the white motif, thick with cushions and blankets in all shades of red.  Next to the wall closest to us was a series of three perches made of polished wood that stood about three feet from the ground, across from which was a grand balcony.  The balcony was open to the air with long, white curtains on either side that moved gently in a light breeze that was making its way through the opening.  The landing outside was large enough for the wingspan of two grown pavox to fit side by side comfortably and had a low railing, of about two feet, that looked as though it was used to grasp on during landing or take off.

                I stepped in farther into the room and gaped in awe.  Alida and Raven followed me in as well while the others peeked their heads in from the doorway.

                Kenneth whistled as he scanned the room, with his eyes finally resting on the balcony that lead outside.

                "Well I'm sure you will all be quite comfortable in here.  Kirym and I will take the one next to yours, I suppose.  See you in a bit, I'm going to check out what it looks like."

                The two of them disappeared along with Dakarai and Ora who excused themselves as well to find a room for themselves.

                Those of us left began to spread out among the room, looking around at our new home for the meantime.  I headed straight for the balcony, with Amiri still perched on my shoulder, and looked out over at the view that we had.

Evidently the Aerie was located higher than most of the other settlements and other such attractions.  Being at the top of the tower, it looked as though I could see the entire kingdom from this vantage.  Right below us, although a decent drop from the top of the tower, was a garden that was surrounded with lush green plants, spotted with white and yellow flowers.  Out across the field of spires growing from the vast blue of the sea that was situated even farther below, I could see hundreds, possibly thousands of pavox flying about, tending to their daily routines.  Many of the wings I could see looked to be owl-like, particularly of the Tytonidae family, such as myself, at least around the Aerie that was.  However mixed in amongst the Strigidae and Barn Owls, there were others who had narrower, longer or even much shorter wingspans that varied greatly in color.  I had never seen so many different wings and it amazed me to think how many different birds were represented amongst the capital city.

Amiri launched himself up into the air to glide around on the air currents, sending off contented vibes that boosted my spirits as well.  We had finally arrived, and I had met my birth family.

After flying around in the thermals, Amiri glided back down and perched on top of a sturdy wooden beam high above me that was connected to the side of my room.  The large beam hung out just over the right side of the balcony and supported a brass bell that gleamed in the sunlight.  The clapper had a rope attached to it so one could ring it from below, for what purpose I wasn't quite sure.

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