Chapter 18

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*Please note that this chapter has been changed slightly! :)

Chapter 18

Fear seemed to have tied my talons to the ground, I couldn't move or even think clearly. I looked on at my two friends standing next to those who possibly wanted me dead or worse. How could he, how could she? The thought roared through my mind, clouding out my rationale. Maybe if I attack now I could catch them off guard. No, they out number me way too much. I'll have to run, but can I?

        "This is Dakarai," Kenneth said gesturing towards the purple Skaal, acting as though nothing were wrong; as if it was no big deal to him that he was handing my life over to these vile creatures. The same creature he seemed so amiable with, continued staring at me with a small grin that showed her fangs. She looked me up and down slowly, the grin still plastered almost malevolently on her face.

Maybe I'll attack her first, catch her off guard. Can I use my ability again on command? I had never intentionally used it before, would I know how I had achieved it last time?

        "Kenneth dear, I think you may want to explain things to your bird friend over there, it seems as though she is about to do something quite irrational," Dakarai said, finally releasing me from her gaze to look over at Kenneth. He looked surprised and looked back between the two of us before his eyes went wide, turning back to me.

        "Oh, I'm sorry, no this isn't what it looks like at all." Kenneth took a step towards me again and suddenly I could move. I took a few steps too, however they were away from him. His face drooped in disappointment. "Please, let me explain. Dakarai and her friends are rebels, they don't agree with what the others of their clan are doing and so they have decided to join us."

Somehow I found my voice, and was surprised to hear how steady it was.

        "Right, and even if I did believe you, which I don't. I saw her at your Uncle's house, when they came for the Fledging check just a few days before we left. And who exactly is 'us' anyway? I doubt they want to go along with our little group to see me safely to Vieiliegstad. Or were we not even going there and you were just waiting for the right time to hand me over to those who want me dead?"

        "K- Araceli I-"

        "I'm not done Kenneth," I snapped forcefully. "How much did they pay you hmm? Or did they promise something to you? I know you said you were looking for acceptance, although if you wanted to be accepted by any of the Pavox, the Skaal are not the ones you want to ally yourself with. Our two species have a long and complicated relationship that is anything but happy."

        "My, she does have a temper doesn't she?" Dakarai chuckled.

My fear slowly began to ebb away, although now anger seemed to be replacing it and it was only growing stronger by the minute. I then turned my attention to the purple Skaal, Dakarai, glaring her down.

        "I don't know what you're up to, or what you meant by helping me the last time we met; but don't think I owe you a thing. And I don't know what you said to Alida, but if you hurt her I swear I will kill you where you stand."

Dakarai's eyes narrowed suddenly and I could see she was about to lose her patience.

Good, I thought. I don't want to deal with lies any more, give it to me black and white any day.

        "Look here little bird, just because you don't understand what's going on here doesn't mean you have the right to insult me. I've attacked my own kind for lesser threats, just be thankful I don't want a fight here. Besides, it would be counterproductive to our goals. Listen to what your friend has to say and then you can make your own decision on what to believe. Just don't go making enemies where you didn't have any before."

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