Chapter 27

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AN: Slightly longer again, so enjoy!  This chapter was unexpected for me but it kind of kept going this way and ended up like this!  So I suppose you could call this a bonus chapter!  Tell me what you think below and don't be shy about clicking that star button up top! Ciao!

Previously in Fledging: The group arrives at the Azinza village only to find out that the secret keeper had only recently had her one audience with a foreigner this year.  However at the mention that Araceli is the lost hatchling, the guards hesitantly allow her and the others entrance to the village and lead Araceli to none other than the secret keeper herself.  After a series of strange 'tests' that she had to go through, she was confirmed to indeed be the hatchling.  After a recitation of the riddle about the capitol, Archer reveals the location of the capitol: The middle of the ocean.

Chapter 27

I stood on the edge of a large cliff, overlooking the sea.  The sun glinted brightly off the surface of the water as a strong wind blew across the seascape, threatening to toss me in the crashing waves below.  I felt a presence behind me as if they had appeared out of the gusting wind.  Turning to catch a glimpse of the newcomer my sight was suddenly reduced to black as a sackcloth was shoved roughly over my head, blocking out part of the noise around me.  I struggled to break free as the stranger brought their head close to mine and whispered.

“If you’re really a pavox, you’ll be able to fly off no problem.  If not… well let’s just say we won’t need to deal with your disgrace any longer.  Long live the true heir to the crown.”  The stranger laughed mockingly as I was shoved off of the edge.

I struggled to make my wings work, but they flapped uselessly in the windy space and I continued to plummet to… the ground.

I gasped, righting myself as I tried to catch my breath, heart fluttering like a hummingbird’s as I stared down at the solid ground below me.  Amiri opened an eye to look down at me quizzically.  I stood back up and rolled my shoulders and wings that cracked in relief.  It was a dream that was all.  I had fallen off the perch I had been given to sleep on and had been rewarded with a dirt covered cheek and a throbbing head.  I brushed off the loose dirt and rubbed my head tenderly.

I’m fine, it was just a dream, I told Amiri who was still watching me, both eyes now open and alert.  He watched me for a while longer before turning his head all the way around and pulling his wing over his head.  I turned towards Alida who shared a room with me as was relieved to see that I hadn’t woken her.

It can’t be too long until we have to leave, I’ll be outside for a while.  Amiri flipped his tail in acknowledgement and I took that as he was going to stay and sleep for a bit longer.  I exited the small hut we shared and stepped out into the worn night.

The stars still glittered above as the dark film of night began to lighten to that colorless, in between stage just before the dawn.  I made my way down to the edge of the water lapping at the edge of the sandy beach that was next to the structure I had slept in and looked out far as my eyes could see.  Evidently, Veiliegstad was somewhere out there in the middle of the sea.  But how was I supposed to get there?  Even if I somehow managed to miraculously learn to fly again, I wouldn’t have the muscles or stamina for flying such a long distance in one go.  I glanced around the shore and saw a few small canoes bobbing up and down with the waves, and grimaced at the thought of making the trip in such a rickety contraption.  And then there was Kenneth who, for obvious reasons, couldn’t fly to the capitol.


I jumped, my wings fluffing out in surprise and turned to see Alida walking up to me.

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