Chapter 12

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AN: Hey! So I changed some things in the previous chapter that you might want to go back to.  I think I clarified a few things about the Pavoxs' political system... or their leaders at least.  I also changed one of their words so make sure you read that before, you might be slightly confused now or later if not, who knows.  Enjoy and tell me what you think! :D


Chapter 12

                The next couple of days were filled with endless walking, forced conversations and awkward tension between Kenneth and I.  He seemed to be trying to make me warm up to him again but I wouldn’t allow it to happen.  Although at times I had to bite the inside of my cheeks and look away to keep from laughing, he did have his funny moments.

It was going on the fourth day of our journey, I was lagging behind next to the horse while Kenneth and Alida were up ahead talking in hushed voices.  I had tried to draw near to listen in but every time I did, they would cease talking.  I walked behind them fuming, and finally, I was unable to hold it in any longer.

                “What are you two always talking about?  What can’t you tell me?”

Kenneth glanced back at me and sighed, “You have a lot of questions don’t you?”  The two of them slowed down and waited for me to catch up.

                “Yes, and you never seem to answer them; what are you hiding from me?”

                “I promise, I will tell you everything you want to know.  Now just isn’t a good time.”

                “’Later Kyra, I have my reasons Kyra.’ That’s all you ever say.  I’m done playing your little game of ‘keep-Kyra-in-the-dark’.  I want answers now!”

Kenneth looked surprised at my outburst, he glanced over to Alida almost in question.  I sensed more than saw her responsive shrug, being too focused on Kenneth, intent on not letting him slip through my fingers this time.

Kenneth seemed to deflate a moment later.  He met my eyes squarely and gave a big sigh.  What he said next shocked me.

                “Alright, I’ll tell you.  Please, just let us set up a camp before I talk, there is much to say and we should get comfortable before going into it.”

I had expected to argue and yell at him until I got my answers so his sudden relenting caught me off guard.  I blinked at him.

                “That’s it?  You’re going to tell me just like that?”

Kenneth shrugged. “I was going to tell you sometime and I guess now is as good a time as any.”

I fell silent, not that there was anything else to say after that.  Instead, I busied myself with perfecting the questions I was going to ask Kenneth.

Later that night, when we had finally set up camp, I kept a close eye on Kenneth.  I would make him keep his word even if it was the last thing I did.  Kenneth had tried to keep busy once we had settled down, always waving me off for another moment to do something that he said was important.  Finally, when he could hold me off no longer, he sat down next to the crackling fire and gestured for me to do the same.  I found a rock the size of a chair and brought it over to the fire, settling comfortably into a natural indentation at the top.

                “Alright, what do you want to know first?”

                “Who are you?”  Out of all of the questions I could have asked, I had no idea what made me ask this one first, it had slipped out without much effort or thought on my part.

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