Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

“No, I do not wish to.”  Kenneth’s voice carried out the door to where I was standing at the foot of the stairs to the house.  It was early the next day, the sun just starting to chase away the night, and most everything of Kenneth’s was packed.

                “And why is that?  It could be helpful if anything ever arises.”

                “I am perfectly capable of handling her on my own.”

I snorted to myself, if he thought he could boss me around as easily as his Uncle did, he had another thing coming.

                “Even so, accidents happen and it would be best that others knew she belonged to someone so they can’t take her for themselves.”

                There was a pause.  “I don’t want my property marred.  I flinched at the word, throughout all my years as a slave, I had always despised the word “property” especially when directed at someone.

                “It will be small and can be placed anywhere you wish, it is for precautionary measures; I don’t see why you are so against it.  The process is quick as well, the tool has already been made.”

                “When was that? I don’t remember having one made before.”

                “As you are my nephew with no family of your own, you will be able to use my crest.  The letter is simple enough, I have a rod with each letter of the alphabet for other uses so you may use that.”

                “You will not stop insisting about this will you Uncle?”

                “I’m afraid not.”

                “Well then I will make a compromise with you.  I will use the letter, nothing more.”  More silence ensued.

                “Very well.”

                “Let us get this over with so that I may leave, there is much ground to be covered tonight.”
                “Of course.”

The sound of footsteps grew louder and soon both of them appeared on the steps.  Kenneth looked tense and leaned back into the house to beckon someone out.  Alida came out slowly, making an attempt to stay as far away as possible from Kenneth’s uncle.

                “This way,” the master grunted, descending the stairs stiffly as he walked away from the house and towards the small barn-like structure, the blacksmith shop.

                We stopped at the wooden door as Master Pearson banged on the door and waited.  Kenneth glanced down at Alida and nudged her with a significant look in his eyes.  She nodded and quietly edged back towards me with a grim smile.

                “Bly Sterkk, dite noidg es.” Stay strong, this must be done.  She whispered to me, keeping her eyes downcast.

                “Whet geilbur es?” What’s happening? I asked her in a similar voice.

                “Versikoinin, Ek kaan niej sii nou.” Sorry, I cannot say now.

I opened my mouth to argue with her when the door opened and the master ushered us through quickly.

                It was a dimly lit room with only a small window in the corner and a blazing fire for any source of light.  The room was strewn haphazardly with smith items, making the room feel well lived in.  A large man stood at the doorway and after giving Alida and I a cautious glance looked towards the master.

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