Chapter 13

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Sorry for not posting for a while, the last part was a little hard for me.  But things are being revealed here and even more in the next! Vote if you like it and tell me your thoughts! Oh and I want to thank MLB998 for helping me with some of the pavox clothing ideas, thanks M!

Chapter 13

                Masik had delivered a wooden slab topped with a pear, some kind of sliced meat I suspected to be rabbit and a clay cup filled with water.  I stared at the food presented to me for a moment, lost in past thoughts.  Never had I truly thought that I would eat like this again, it reminded me so much of my old home that a few tears started to prick at my eyes.  I ate the food slowly, savoring it and knowing that I would probably have a long wait ahead of me.

                Soon however, the food was long gone and I was forced to pace the small enclosure of my cell.  I had gone out of one cage and right into another.  Was this what my life was to be from now on, constantly moving from prison to prison?  I hoped not.  I had just made my thousandth or so round of the room when the door opened to reveal Tafari.  I paused in my rounds and looked at her expectantly.

                “Is my friend awake?”

                “She has awoken.  Araceli, I thought that name sounded familiar.  Why did you not tell me you had been the Bladvier of the Valkze?”

                “Didn’t think it was that important, after all I’m not anymore,” I said calmly, however my heart started to speed up marginally.

                “But you still could be.  I’m sure you would be welcomed back quite warmly as Skavlieu once you have fully fledged.”

I didn’t reply, too lost in thought.  I hadn’t considered that.  I had thought that once I was taken away and another family had taken over they wouldn’t want me as Skavlieu, I was too focused on getting away to think much past that.

                “Of course the current leaders may not be too happy about it, and you may have to fight for it, but I’m sure you could overcome them easily.”

                “Fight for control of my old home?” I asked looking at her quizzically.

                “Of course, why not?  Your father and mother had quite an amazing set of abilities, I’m sure you are no exception.”

                “How well did you know them?”

                “We met many times to discuss treaties and other such business, we got to know one another quite well over the years; it was a shame they both had to leave us so soon.”

                “Yes, it was.” I hadn’t talked about my parents in so long, it was strange discussing them with a stranger.

                “Well I suppose it would look bad if I kept the old Bladvier of the Valkze locked up as a common criminal, come I will show you to your friend.”  She approached me and quickly, cut off my bindings with two quick slices of a small dagger curved to look like a talon she had produced out of a side sheath.  I rubbed my wrists tentatively before stepping out into the warm sunlight.

                A crowd of pavox were congregated in the middle of the ring of tall trees that I had failed to see from my, previously, restricted view.  I looked up into the thick foliage and saw the round shapes of small huts nestled amongst the branches.  They were simple, made of wood with thatched roofs that slowly blended into the surrounding greenery of the trees, it was a hidden village but it was quite beautiful.

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