Chapter 36

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What is that?  Could Fledging actually be getting a new chapter??... I'm so sorry guys.  It's been so hectic for me, and I've had part of this chapter done for so long, but I wasn't able to finish it until a day or so ago.  But here you go and let me know what you think!! Don't forget to vote either!

Previously on Fledging:

Araceli was finally able to fly again!! After being thrown down to the  turbulent waves a long ways below, she managed to work her way back up and fly to safety followed by an injured Kirym and Kenneth.  After assessing the situation, they decide it is best if Kirym flies Kenneth back to the infirmary, unable to carry two in his state.  Amiri leaves as well in order to warn the troops and the Royals of Arkell's betrayal and possible fate.  However once alone, Arkell shows up, ready to kill.  In the meantime, he reveals his true feelings towards Araceli's situation.  While they talk, Io, leader of the Skaal and rebel pavox army, interceeds in which Araceli learns the truth behind her friend Alida's death.  Soon, things take an unexpected turn as Io, fustrated by Arkell's lack of work ethic, sends his flaming body over the side of the cliff.....

Chapter 36

It seemed like an eternity before I heard the splash hundreds of meters below. It took another eternity for Io to turn around and face me.

"It was an appropriate death for one so intent on living a lie, wouldn't you agree?"

I was numb from the sudden force of violence, my talons were rooted to the spot as I stared over the ledge where I last saw Arkell's form plummeting over.

I heard her give a loud sigh and I somehow managed to tear my eyes from the spot and look into her deep ruby eyes that were watching me with a calculating expression.

"Are you mad about his death? He was going to betray you. He was going to kill you. You really should thank me. After all, now you'll die not at the hands of a family member who cared nothing about you, but by an enemy of one who considers you threat enough to go through all this trouble just to see that you don't cause them any."

"I should thank you?" I asked, still staring at her blankly.

"Not what I was looking for, but I'll take it." Io replied with a thoughtful shrug.

The reality of the situation hit me hard then. I snapped out of the haze that had surrounded my mind and began thinking of what I was going to do next.

Evidently something had changed in my face as well because Io also gained a posture of seriousness.

"Are you going to fight me, Fledgling? Your brother had no chance against me and he was raised a soldier of the Royal Aerie. What chance do you have? I doubt you can even fly again, your flight was so sporadic when last you flew and I have no doubt your last few years devoid of flight have not been kind to your wing muscles."

"You saw me fly earlier?" Buy all the time you can.

"Oh yes, I was watching your little fight with Arkell from a distance, you did quite well. However that is a matter of the past. I really did enjoy our talk, darling but I have a kingdom to overthrow so if you'll excuse me, I'll just kill you and be on my way."

My heart began to beat rapidly as I took a fighting stance to steady myself as best I could.

"Any last words you wish me to relay to your parents before I take their lives as well?"

"You'd have to be alive yourself in order to deliver a message so I won't waste my breath on a message that won't have a chance to be delivered."

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