Chapter 24

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AN: Hey there! Surprise, a new part!! It's been in progress for a long time but I only now I had time to finish it up!  After this upcoming week, I'll be done with this semester so the next one or two should* be a much faster update!

And I have a qestion to ask, do you think that the characters, (Araceli and Kenneth mostly) have been constant in their growth, or at least changed in a believable way/ changed at all?  Thanks and tell me what you think in regards to that or anything else!  Thanks!

Chapter 24

Early the next morning, we had reached the cover house above the hidden city just as the sun began to peak through the window that was held ajar to allow a cool morning breeze into the small room.  As our group of five, the animals included, passed from behind the tapestry, I saw a familiar face look up at our arrival.  Lidia stood and greeted us warmly, encircling me in an eager hug while carefully avoiding Amiri, perched atop my shoulder, with her arms.

“Hello Araceli, I see you wanted to get an early start today.”  Amiri ruffled his feathers in a not so subtle manner to draw her attention to him. “And good morning to you too young prince,” she added with a smile as she stroked the soft feathers on his face with a single finger.  Amiri emitted a soft twittering sound as he enjoyed the petting.  The two had gotten off quite well during the time we had been here.  Some days when Amiri was bored with my activities that consisted of browsing the library and maps with the others, he would leave for some time, explaining shortly on his return that he had spent the day with Lidia.

“Hi Lidia.  I thought the earlier, the better since we have a ways to go.  And not to sound like I’m not happy to see you, but what exactly are you doing here?”

“On watch duty, I take turns with Lawrence, that old oaf you met with earlier,” she said, her eyes twinkling with humor.  “Besides, I had to see you one more time before you left me so suddenly.”

“Right, I’m sorry we didn’t get to see each other much.”

“It’s alright, we were both busy.  At least I got to know your lovely Sildwaa during the past few days.”

“I’ll be outside with the horse, I’m sure she’s tired of being in sheltered areas,” Kenneth said, hesitantly interrupting our conversation.

“Good, your three friends are out there waiting for you already,” Lidia explained as she went to hug Kenneth one more time.  “They got here a little earlier than you but not much.  Take care boy, don’t go starting trouble where there wasn’t any before.”

“Please, would I ever cause trouble, Lidia?” Kenneth laughed as he parted ways with the rest of us to go outside with the others.

“I wish you the best of luck, Araceli, I’m sure it’s difficult for you knowing that you’re returning to a home you have no memory of.  I hope you’ll come visit me sometime after you’ve settled into your new home and possibly new position.”

“Of course I will, I’m sure Amiri will have no problem reminding me every day until I do.”

“Good,” she said with a nod, turning back to the bird she looked him in the eyes “make sure she doesn’t forget me ok, little prince?”

Amiri churred happily as he spread his wings, hitting my head in the process.  Lidia laughed and turned to fiddle with something by her side.

“And before you go, I have a gift I want you to have.”  She produced a metal object, nearly the length of my palm from wrist to fingertip.  Curious, I took the gift offered to me and saw that a smith had shaped it to look like a single, iron feather.  It had heft to it and was about two fingers thick.  Turning it around, I noticed something peculiar.  I grabbed a thin piece of metal that was just peeking out of the feather shaped body.  Extending the piece, I now held a knife, its blade glinting wickedly in the dawn light.  My breath caught as I stared at the object in awe, turning it in every direction as I examined the gift.

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