Chapter 1

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Archie asks as he tries to fix the shirt he's wearing. It's the nicest one he found.

"Yes Archie" Jughead rolls his eyes. "It's a north sider party by the lake. How are people supposed to know we're not from here? We look like we could be north siders especially you. Let's have fun"

"Fine" Archie mumbles "but I don't want to cause any drama. If anyone figures out that we're from the south, we'll leave"

"Yes Archie" Jughead groans and rolls his eyes again.


"Oh I'm so excited B" Veronica giggles as she checks her makeup in the rear view mirror of her friend's car.

"Me too" the blond girl giggles.

"And you're really okay with not drinking anything tonight Betty? We can take an Uber home"

"Naah I don't feel like drinking today"

"Okay thanks" Veronica grins. With an excited giggle as she gets out of the car. She fixes her black mini skirt and tight, slightly revealing black top.

"Are you ready" she asks Betty and holds her hand towards her friend.

"More than ready babe. Lets go"

Giggling the two best friends walk towards the lake hand in hand. There's already a big crowd of good looking wealthy north siders. Some have more than others like Veronica's family who could probably buy half of the town but they all have more than they actually need. In the middle of it all, next to a bonfire there are Jughead and Archie with a beer in their hands. They laugh and talk to other people and secretly make fun of all the rich kids when Archie's eyes suddenly land on a girl with beautiful wavy raven hair and a black outfit that glues his eyes on her body. "Wow" he mumbles.

Jughead frowns and turns his head to look at where Archie is looking. A little chuckle leaves his mouth. "We're here to make fun of them not to fall in love"

"I think it might be too late for that" Archie still mumbles. His heart is beating fast. He watches how the girl and her friend walk to a group of other friends. The raven haired girl turns her head and for a second her eyes and his meet. She smiles. It makes Archie's heart skip a beat.

"Her blond friend is mine" Jughead smirks and pats his friend back. It brings Archie back to reality.

"Jug we can't date girls from the north. They would never and even if, their parents would kill us"

"You think too much bro. You don't know"

"I just don't want to get my hopes up"

"Whatever, can we just for a little while, only for a couple minutes forget about girls and have fun as bros"

"Yeah sure" Archie nods but all night his eyes don't leave the raven haired girl. He notice all her giggles and laughs. How she tosses her hair back and pulls down her mini skirt every now and then to make sure she doesn't show too much.

When their eyes meet again, Archie's heart does not only skip a beat, it actually stops beating for a moment. "She's coming over, she's coming over" Archie tells his friend with panic in his voice.

"Isn't that a good thing? You seem to like her. Don't mess up bro" Jughead smirks before he walks to another group of people and leaves Archie alone.

"Hello there" Veronica smiles as she's finally close enough so he can hear her. "You've been staring at me for a while now so I thought I should come over"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I'll stop"

"No no it's actually quiet flattering, I'm Veronica"

Archie's face turns red. "Still sorry" he mumbles. "oh and I'm Archie"

Veronica giggles "Why didn't you just come over. I don't bite"

"I'm not really the kind of guy who walks up to pretty girls. I'm way too shy"

"You have no reason to be shy Archie. You're handsome. That red shiny hair, that cute face and oh my goodness your arms"

"Thanks" he smiles. He keeps staring at her. Her beautiful dark hair slightly moves in the warm summer wind. It looks very soft. She's close enough that he can smell her perfume. She smells like lavender and something else that reminds him of a happy memory. He just can't quiet figure out what exactly it is. He takes a deep breath and takes a tiny step closer to her.

"Are you new here? I have never seen you before. I'm a junior at Riverdale High. You're definitely not going to Riverdale high right?"

"No I don't" he smiles. "I'm a senior though"

"See I would've remembered a face as cute as yours"

Archie chuckles. He can feel how his body heats up and how his heart beats faster and faster. He's more than nervous but he doesn't want to mess up. Maybe Jughead is right and this can turn into more.
"You look beautiful" he says.

"Thank you" Veronica blushes. "But I'm wearing a lot of makeup right now. You should you see me in the morning"

"Mhhh I bet you're still beautiful. I love your eyes and those won't look different in the morning"

"Oh jeez you're sweet" Veronica giggles. "I usually don't do this but I'm drunk so" she says and gets on her tiptoes, places her hands on his chest and presses her lips against his. Archie is taken aback first but then wraps his arms around her waist and holds her close. His heart is beating even faster now.
Their kiss is more than just a casual party kiss. Veronica's arms move form his chest around his neck. The way her fingers play with the ends of Archie's hair give him goosebumps. Their lips are only apart for a second. Veronica takes a short breath before she reconnects their lips and this time she uses her tongue and Archie doesn't mind at all. He can taste the tequila she just had. His hands squeeze her hips. He doesn't know why but this feels like something that he wants to feel for the rest of his life.

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