Chapter 18

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Veronica is exhausted. Her daughter just won't stop crying. She fed her, she changed her, she cuddled her but something makes Daisy really upset.

"Shhh my love, mommy is here. Please stop crying"

Daisy's tiny hands are tangled in Veronica's hair. She pulls on it slightly but Veronica doesn't care.

Suddenly her bedroom door opens swiftly and hits the wall.

"Veronica make that thing stop screaming!" Hiram yells. Veronica flinches which only makes Daisy cry even more. There is something wrong with her. She just can't figure out what. She has been cranky all day.

"She's a baby dad! I'm trying my best okay?"

"No not okay. Make her stop or I will"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You know what I mean" Hiram says through gritted teeth. "You and that child are a disgrace for the family, for our long line of beautiful, strong and healthy north side blood. She's half south side so she's just as worthless as her father. You two won't even be able to offer anything to that child. Hell, you dropped out of school for it. You and your joke of a boyfriend have nothing. That child will have a terrible life and it's your fault. It's your fault because you were too stupid to protect yourself from a south sider. You put a child into this world and she will suffer—"

"Stop!" Veronica interrupts him with tears rolling down her cheeks "please stop. Daisy will have a wonderful life! Archie and I may not have as much money as you but we have love, something that you don't have. Our daughter will grow up, knowing her parents love her and protect her and are proud of her. We will give her everything we have. She's my whole world and now that I'm a mother, I understand even less how you can be so cruel. I love Daisy unconditionally. I could never stop loving her for any reason. Why do you hate Archie so much? What did he ever do?"

"He's not good enough and now he ruined your life with that" Hiram says as he points at the still crying baby in Veronica's arms.

"He's so wonderful. No one ever loved me more"

"You sound so pathetic"

"He's more of a man than you ever will be!"

"Watch your tone Veronica! I will never tolerate your boyfriend or that child. You would be so much better off without them"

Veronica can feel her heart break. That sentence was painful. She knows he hates Archie but hating a baby? Saying she would be better off without the tiny human she loves the most. Hot tears roll down her cheeks. The pain in her chest spreads all over her body. Daisy must feel it because all of the sudden she's quiet. Her tiny hands hold on tightly to Veronica's hoodie. Hiram smiles satisfied and leaves.

It takes a second before Veronica can move her body. She grabs a backpack and stuffs warms clothes for her and her daughter and a stuffie in it. She's leaving right now. She's going to Archie's. He has everything Veronica and Daisy need at his place but Veronica just wants to make 100% sure, her daughter is warm. She puts Daisy in the baby carrier and opens the window. She looks down. She climbed that railing up and down a million times already but never with a baby in front of her chest. She's scared of hurting her daughter but she needs to risk it to keep her safe. She takes a deep breath before she slowly climbs out the window.


Archie lies on the couch with a smile on his face. He holds a picture of his girlfriend and daughter in his hands and he just can't stop staring at it. Mary walks in and can't help but chuckles when she sees her son in the same position he was in an hour ago. His cheeks blush and he looks up. "What?" he mumbles.

"You really love them huh?"

"More than anything mom, no offense" he chuckles as he slowly sits up. "Veronica is everything I've ever dreamt of. She is absolutely beautiful and smart and independent and so cool and amazing and — well she's perfect and little Daisy is my daughter. I will never not love her. There's nothing she could ever do or say that will make me stop"

"Welcome to the world of a parent" Mary smiles. She gets closer to her son and rests her chin on the top of his head so she can look at the picture too. It was definitely a shock when her son told her about the grandchild. She was absolutely not ready to become a grandma so soon but she adores her little girl and Veronica so much and like Archie just said there's nothing he could ever do that would make her stop loving her son. She will always support him. Daisy is growing up with so much love in her life and she surely will never care about the fact her parents are younger than others.

A heavy knock on the door let's both of them look up. Archie places the picture on the coffee table and turns to his mom. "Stay here. It's late and we're not expecting anyone"

The slight tension in his body disappears immediately when he sees his girlfriend in front of him.


Veronica breaths heavily with tears streaming down her cheeks. Her whole body is shaking "My dad... I can't stay... I — we needed to leave"

Archie is more than confused by her statement but her appearance is what worries him. Her pale face and how she clings onto the baby in front of her chest. He reaches for her hand but she only wraps her arms tighter around her daughter.

"What do you mean love?"

"My dad. He said he would never tolerate a grandchild that's half —south side. It ruins the blood line and is worthless" Those painful words barley make it out of her mouth. Tears blur her vision.
"I can't stay home with Daisy anymore. It's too much and to be honest I'm scared he might do something to her"

Archie wraps his arm around Veronica's waist and pulls her into the house. Mary comes rushing to them when she sees the terrified look in Veronica's eyes.

"What happened honey?" she asks as she lovingly runs her hand over the baby's head.

"My—my dad" she cries. Archie stops her by pressing his lips against the side of her head.

"He's horrible mom. He's emotionally abusing Ronnie and she can't take it anymore. He said things about me and Daisy and Ronnie is just scared"

"Oh no" Mary sighs.

"Can they stay here?"

"Of course! My two favorite girls are always welcome" Mary smiles. The look on her face lets Veronica relax a little.

"Does my little princess need anything before I set up the crib?" Archie asks with a smile on his lips as he carefully runs his hand over his daughter's head. "You look tired my little human"

"She's is" Veronica giggles. The interaction between her boyfriend and her daughter calms her down even more. "I'm sure she'll fall asleep soon"

"Close your eyes my love. Daddy is here. No one can hurt you" Archie smiles. He turns Veronica around so he wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her cheek. Then he brings his attention back to his daughter. She looks more than just tired, exhausted almost. As exhausted as a baby can be. He starts humming his favorite lullaby but starts singing the actual song just a few seconds later. Veronica closes her eyes. She's tired too.

"Worked when I was a baby and works for my baby too" he smiles as he gently presses his lips against his now sleeping daughter's head.

"Your voice is so beautiful Archie"

"Thanks love"

"For real though. You have real talent mister. I'm going to make you sing to me every day now"

"Whatever makes you happy" Archie smirks.

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