Chapter 17

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It's been a whole week since Veronica gave birth. She's absolutely in love with the mom life even though it's exhausting too. Archie tries to spend as much time with them as possible. He was able to take a week off of work to help Veronica get settled in but today is his first day back. It's not easy for him or her so she invited Betty over. The blond girl was super excited to meet her friend's baby.

The girls sit across from each other on Veronica's bed. Daisy lies between them.

"She's the cutest little baby I have ever seen! She's so adorable and tiny too" Betty giggles as she gently runs her fingers over the infants head.

"Thanks" Veronica smiles widely. "I never knew I could love someone so intensely"

"How is Archie doing?"

"Good" Veronica says but her eyes are on her daughter. Her tiny legs and arms move while she stares up at the ceiling. "He's at work. He's very upset that he can't be with us and it makes him even more upset that I told him I want to spend the nights at home so I can somehow fix whatever happened between my parents and I. He was home last week though. Betty you have no idea how adorable it is when he hold her"

"Oh I can imagine. Boys and babies are a great combination" she smirks.
Veronica looks up with a smile on her face. They talked about how cute boys and babies are together so many times and now she gets to see it everyday. It's even cuter when the man you love holds a child that was made from that love you share "We're actually going to surprise him today. We'll pick him up from work and have dinner at his place. I'm going to cook something and then we'll stay overnight" Veronica says, then looks back down to her daughter. She takes her small hands into hers. "Are we going to surprise daddy? Are you excited? You love your daddy huh? You love him so much"

"I keep forgetting that he's older than us. He graduated last summer right?"

Veronica nods.

"V don't worry. You can repeat senior year as soon as this little cutie is a little older and then you can go to college. I know you always wanted that"

"I know. I'm not worried anymore. I was at first but when I look at her, everything's alright"

Betty smiles "do you know if you want to go back this summer or do you want to wait another year?"

"I think I'm going to wait another year. She'll be only six months in summer. If I wait another year, she'll 18 months. She can go to daycare and Mary and Fred already offered to watch her at least once a week too. Archie might be able to work only a half day on Fridays but that's all too far away into the future to actually say something. We'll make it work"

Betty nods. "You seem very happy V. That's great"

"I am. This whole thing with my parents still upsets me, a lot but I can't stop smiling when I look at Daisy. She's everything to me"

"Maybe your parents just need time?"

Veronica shakes her head. "No. For as long as I can think they absolutely hated people from the south. They are not going to stop now. I don't even expect them to like him. I just want them to tolerate our relationship and this baby"

Betty sighs. "I don't know how to help you with that V. Just know you can always come to me when you or Daisy need anything"

Veronica smiles "I appreciate that B"


"Ronnie!" Archie smiles widely when he sees her standing outside of his work. He wraps his arms around her, pulls her close and kisses her lips lovingly. "I missed you and of course I missed my little princess" he says and kisses the top of the sleeping baby's head. She's in a baby carrier. Daisy loves the baby carrier. The heartbeat of her mom keeps the infant calm and quiet.
"What are you doing here?"

"We're here to pick you up and invite you to dinner" Veronica smiles.

"I love you" Archie chuckles and kisses her again. "And I'm starving too. Let's go eat. Where are we going?"

"Oh just your house. I hope that's okay. I cooked for you. This is best for Daisy"

"I just want to spend time with you and our baby Ronnie. Can I carry her home please? I missed my tiny baby"

"Of course" Veronica smiles. So Archie quickly takes the baby carrier off. Veronica still holds the baby in her arms until Archie is read to take her.
On one hand, he wishes Daisy will never grow and stay his tiny baby forever but on the other hand he's excited when she's older and he can do more stuff with her.


Archie did not once set his daughter down. He was holding her while he was eating dinner. He changed her and fed her with a bottle. Now he's laying in bed, completely exhausted from his day, with little Daisy on his chest. His hand gently rests on her back. Veronica lies next to him. She's tired too. Her eyes are on her baby. Her hand is on her head and her thumb gently strokes her daughter's forehead. "You're the cutest baby in the world" she whispers.

"She really is" Archie chuckles quietly "I can't imagine a life without her anymore. Thanks Ronnie"

"For what?"

"For making me a dad. I always wanted to be a dad. I didn't plan on becoming one so early but she is the best thing that ever happened to me, you too of course. My two favorite girls. Oh I wish we could spend every day like this love. I miss you two"

"I know lover. We miss you too and I'm really sorry but I somehow need to fix what happened between me and my dad. If I stay here all the time, it will never go back to normal"

"I know babe. I guess I'll survive as long as I see you every day, even if it's just for a few minutes but promise me that you will also stay over a least like once a week please"

"I guess we can make that work" Veronica smiles. "It's not like I don't want to stay here. I love you and this is so wholesome but—"

"It's okay Ronnie. We'll make it work"

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