Chapter 12

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Archie sighs. It's Saturday afternoon and he is bored out of his mind. His parents are at a friend's house.
He planned to take Veronica on a dinner date and ask her out to prom again but maybe she wants to meet early and hang out. He reaches for his phone and calls Veronica but she doesn't pick up. He's confused. She always answers when he calls or calls back within a few minutes but now... nothing so he decides to text her. She didn't ready any of the text he sent her last night. Something is wrong. Without thinking twice he puts on his shoes and walks to Veronica's. He's still not very welcomed at the Pembrooke and he knows that but that won't stop him. It never does. Many times he simply climbed up the railing and knocks against her window and so he does today. At first nothing happens but then he knocks again. A Veronica with tear stains all over her face opens the window.

"Babe? What happened?" he asks as he climbs into her room.

"Nothing" she mumbles.

"Veronica you're crying, you don't answer my phone calls or my texts. What happened? Did someone hurt you? Did I? Are you mad at me?"

Veronica shakes her head. Her bottom lip quivers and tears roll down her cheeks. Archie sighs and takes her into his arms. Her arms wrap tighter around him than ever before. Her nails dig into his skin while she sobs into his chest. He gently kisses her head to calm her.

"Please talk to me my love so I can help you" he whispers.

"Promise me you won't be mad" she cries as she wipes tears out of her face.

"I won't"

Veronica takes his hand and walks over to her bed. She sits down and so does he. "I don't know how to say this"

"Take your time love" he smiles gently but all of the sudden the smile disappears and his face goes white. "You're not breaking up with me, are you?"

"No no" Veronica quickly says. "I love you but I just don't know how to tell you this. I'm so overwhelmed and I don't know what to do"

"Just say it. Get it off your chest. I love you too and I'm here to support you"

Veronica looks into his eyes. He has no idea about what she is going to say. His world is good right now but she will destroy that. New tears roll down her cheeks. She takes a deep breath and then just says it.
"I'm pregnant Archie" she cries. She covers her face to hide the expression on it and also so she doesn't have to see the look on Archie's.

"Um wow o—okay" he mumbles.

Veronica looks up. She doesn't know how to feel about his answer.

"What do you mean with okay?"

"Well— Um— I — I don't know babe. I mean you're pregnant. You—you have a baby in your stomach that's just— that's wow but we're young and I won't say how I feel before you tell me how you feel. You decided what we do now. It's your body. I don't want to influence you"

"Well I don't really know how to feel. We're so young. You will graduate soon and I'm in Junior year. I have plans but I can't kill my baby. It's my child. I want it. I think we will somehow find a way to figure this out right? We have each other and your parents so we will be fine right? We'll be okay"

"Of course love. Whatever you want"

"Is that really okay with you?"

"Are you kidding?" Archie chuckles "I get my own little mini human. I'm going to be a dad! That's awesome. Scary but awesome. I know I don't have much but I promise I'll give you two everything that I have"

"Oh Archie you're so sweet" Veronica sighs with tears still rolling down her cheeks. "I only need you and all our baby is going to need is our attention, love and protection and I'm very sure that you will give our little human all of those things and even more. You will be an amazing dad even though we're so young. I don't believe that you have to be a certain age to be a good father. You'll be a better dad than most 'grown' men with good jobs could ever be"

"Thank you babe" Archie smiles. He runs his hand on Veronica's stomach in small circles . It's quiet for a second. "Have you told you parents?"

"No" she says with a little laugh "they are going to kill me"

"Right after they killed me" Archie chuckles. "No seriously. I'm sure they won't be amused and I'm very sure that your father is going to kill me but I'll make sure he won't touch you. I'll protect my two favorite humans. I won't leave your side until our baby learned how to walk. Then I need to figure out how I can divide myself in half"

Veronica giggles. She removes Archie's hand from her stomach, sits in his lap and then places his hand back on her with her hands on top of his. "I don't want to tell them"

"I know but at some point you won't be able to hide it anymore"

"I'm scared" she whispers.

"I promise I'll protect you"

"I'm not only scared of telling them but of this whole pregnancy thing. I'm carrying a human. There's not just me anymore and as soon as it's born I physically have to take care of someone else"

"You're not alone Ronnie. I'm with you for every single step, okay. I'm here. I'm here"

Veronica sighs. She closes her eyes and leans back. The soft kiss to the side of her head makes her smile slightly. "I promise" he whispers

"I love you Archie" Veronica response but before Archie can say it back she continues "I can't finish high school. I always wanted to go to college"

"You're so smart babe. You can finish Junior Year then take a break and do Senior year as soon as you're ready and then you can go to college. I know that you want that. I support you. We will make it work. Don't worry"


"I don't know yet but we will figure it out. I promise"

"Okay" she sniffs

"Can I ask you when you found out?"

"Yesterday. I wasn't feeling well and my period was late. As a girl you always worry when your period is late and especially after we... well you know did it a few more times lately. Betty was with me when I took the test. It was positive. So I took another one and another one and all three said the same thing"

Archie sighs. "I'm not gonna lie babe, this won't be easy but we can do this. I got you. I will be by your side. I have some savings and I think my parents have too so—"

"No, you and your parents don't have to touch any savings for me"

"It's not 'for you' but for my child, our child. If there's anything you or this child need I will make sure we can get it.

"I'm so glad I have you" Veronica sighs "and yes it won't be easy but we will have our own little family a little family that will be so full of love and support"

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