Chapter 23

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It's 9 in the morning. Veronica has been up for two 2 hours. She's watching tv with her daughter. Her coffee is empty.

Daisy climbed into bed at 6:50 and woke her up. Her daughter always wakes up around 7. She loves Daisy more than anything but she misses the days when she was able to sleep in.

"Let's go into the living room" Veronica whispered "daddy is still asleep and I don't want us to wake him up"

"Okay" Daisy whispered back. "Can we watch some tv? And can I have some crackers? And some juice"

Veronica nodded as she got out of bed. She took Daisy into her arms and left the bedroom.
She turned on the tv for the little girl, then walked into the kitchen, filled a little dish with cheese crackers and a sippy with orange juice.
As soon as she sat on the couch she closed her eyes and just for a few minutes she dosed of to sleep. Daisy cuddled into Veronica's side. Her little dish was in Veronica's lap and her sippy in her own.

Veronica enjoys these quiet mornings with her daughter. She loves to just cuddle and watch some tv before the craziness of their day starts.
Finally she hears the bedroom open. A very sleepy Archie walks slowly into the living room.

"Look who's finally awake" Veronica giggles. Archie rubs his eyes. His hair is messy. Veronica loves his messy morning hair. He looks adorable.

"Daddy!" Daisy squeals. She gets up, jumps on the couch until Archie is close enough and then jumps into his arms.

"Good morning Princess" he smiles. He squeezes her close and presses a long sloppy kiss on her cheek. It makes the little girl laugh. "No more daddy, no more" she giggles "kiss mommy"

"Okay" Archie says. He throws Daisy on the couch, crawls next to Veronica and lets himself fall on top of her. She laughs as he places kisses all over her face. "Good morning most beautiful mommy. Daddy wants kisses"
Veronica cups his cheeks and pulls his face close to hers. For a moment they just stare into each others eyes until Archie leans forward and closes the gab between their lips. "I love you" he whispers

"I love you too Archiekins"

"And you love me, mommy and daddy!" Daisy squeals as she climbs on Archie's back.

"You guys are squishing me!" Veronica squeals.

Archie gets up with Daisy still on his back. "Daddy needs coffee now"

"Mommy too please" Veronica smiles as she hands him her empty mug.
Archie rolls his eyes but takes the mug, then walks to the kitchen with Daisy on his back.

"Daddy why do you always do everything for mommy? You never say no to her"

"Because I love your mother very very much and I'd do anything to make her happy"

"Do you love me very much?"

Archie chuckles "yes Daisy, I love you very much too"

"Would you do anything to make me happy?"

"I'm afraid to answer that because you are your mother's daughter"

"Can you buy me a new doll?"

"Sweetheart, you have so many dolls"

Daisy groans "but I want a new one. One I can take into the water. I can't take any of my babies into the water. It would make me so happy. Pretty please bestest daddy in the whole world!"

"Sorry my love. Toys are an exception to my rule but I'm still the best daddy in the world so what about pancakes?"

"And hot chocolate pretty pretty please?" Daisy asks while she grins widely and wraps her arms a little tighter around Archie's neck.
He can't see the look on her face but he knows exactly what look it is. It's the same one Veronica has when she wants something and he can't say no to either of them.

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