Chapter 5

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When Archie opens his eyes he hopes to see the face he saw last night before he fell asleep but what he sees instead is the back of a phone. He can hear her breathe though and that makes him smile and reminds him once again that this is actually happening. She's real. One thing he can't really believe though is the fact that she fell asleep in his hoodie. It's way too big on her and only makes her look even more adorable.

"Good morning beautiful" he smirks as he gently pushes the phone away so he can look at her. A smiles grows on her face and it makes him smile even more.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"With you next to me? Amazing"

Veronica giggles. "You're sweet"

"So are you. Especially when you are wearing my clothes"

Veronica giggles again. She purses her lips and it doesn't take long until she gets the soft kiss she wants. She opens her eyes slowly and stares into Archie's hazel eyes that shine so bright.

"Do you think we're moving too fast?" Veronica whispers.

"What nooo" he says over dramatically. "We met five days ago. That's a lifetime for a worm"

"What?!" Veronica laughs "that's so random"

"And true" Archie smirks. "Do you think we're moving too fast. Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Veronica shakes her head "this feels right. If one of my girls told me they stayed at a boy's house overnight after two dates I would think they're crazy but now I'm the crazy one"

Archie chuckles. "I get what you mean but I've never felt this way before. I really like you Ronnie"

"I like you too" she smiles. Her cheeks are bright red and her eyes shine. Veronica is such a sucker for love. She loves to read super cheesy unrealistic love stories and now she feels like she's living one.
She leans closer to kiss him but before they have the chance to, Archie's bedroom door opens swiftly.

"Archie love you're going to be late for school!" his mom says. As soon as she sees the two teenagers her eyes widen before she squeezes them shut and turns around. "Oh my goodness— oh my goodness"

"No no no no mom!" Archie says quickly. There's a lot of panic in his voice. "We didn't do anything. Nothing happened. Ronnie just stayed the night. We're dressed! We're dressed!"

Mary slowly turns back around. "Oh good" she sighs "I mean we've talked about what to do when—"

"Mom stop!" Archie interrupts. His cheeks blush in embarrassment.

"You still have school"

"I'm not going today" he mumbles.

Mary raises her eyebrows. "Why, may I ask"

"Ronnie doesn't have school today and I want to stay with her"


"Please mom! Come on it's Friday, I have good grades. I promise I will never do this again. Please please please"

Mary's eyes move from her son to the girl next to him, in his bed. She seems to be such a kind girl. She's happy her son finally found someone. She closes her eyes and sighs. She's going to regret this."Fine, but I swear Archie Andrews if you ever skip school again—"

"I won't, I promise!" he smiles as he jumps out of the bed and gives his mom a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"At least make yourself useful and come help your mother with something"

Archie nods and follows his mother, leaving Veronica to herself with her thoughts. She smiles. Her heart is beating faster. She feels so comfortable in his bed and in Archie's hoodie.
Her phone buzzes. It's a message from her best friend.

Betty: 'How was last night girl?'
Veronica: 'so good! He's the sweetest guy I've ever met'
Betty:'did you... you know'
Veronica: 'No. I like him, a lot but I don't think we're ready for that'
Betty: 'that's fine V. I'm glad you found someone'

Veronica smiles before she places her phone on the nightstand and looks around the room. It's not very big but it looks comfortable and it's clean for a boy's room. No dirty laundry, no plates or glasses. On the wall across from his bed, he has a few pictures of his family and friends. Veronica thinks that's extremely cute but to be honest everything Archie does is cute to her.

Meanwhile Archie gets some mini Marshmallows out of the cupboard. "Here mom"

"Thanks love. Do you think Veronica wants some hot chocolate too?"

"I guess. Who doesn't like hot chocolate" He smiles from ear to ear.

"You really like her huh?" Mary smirks as she hands him two cups of hot chocolate which now also contain mini marshmallows.

"I do mom. She's so wonderful. She makes me feel all these feelings. I want to be with her all the time. She's kind and funny and sweet and so absolutely beautiful"

"She is a really pretty young lady" Mary nods. She takes a step closer and cups her son's cheeks "wait some time before you marry her"

"No promises" he chuckles with his cheeks turn bright red once again.

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