Chapter 4

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Veronica takes a deep breath before she knocks against the door of Archie's trailer. She fixes her navy blue dress and brushes her fingers through her hair. The dress she's wearing is a little tighter around the waist than the summer dress she wore on their first date and also slightly more revealing but still nothing compared to the outfit she wore at the party.

The door swings open and a wide smile grows on her face.

"Ronnie?" Archie asks with wide eyes. He's not wearing a shirt only sweatpants but Veronica likes what she sees, a lot.

"Hello Archiekins" she smirks

"Wow you look— wow"

"Thank you very much! I thought since you didn't ask for another date, I have to ask you"

"We— we had our first date last night"

Veronica giggles "I'm just teasing you. Put on a shirt and some jeans though. We're going out for some milkshakes"

"Oh okay, okay" he mumbles. He's clearly still trying to process what's happening but he's excited too. He turns around to get dressed when Veronica's voice stops him. "Well can I come in or do you want your girlfriend to wait outside?"

Archie smiles widely. "My girlfriend?"

"Um yeah" Veronica says as her cheeks blush softly. Before she can realize that though, she feels Archie's hands on her waist and his lips on hers. "My girlfriend" he whispers before he takes her hand and pulls her inside.

A went nose on her leg makes her flinch a little. She holds on tight to Archie but relaxes quickly when she sees the cute dog staring up at her.

"Oh that's the sweetest puppy in the world"

"That's Vegas!" Archie smiles "my parents got him for me when I was kid. Speaking of my parents, mom! Dad!"

"Your parents are home too?" Veronica whispers.

"Yeah what did you think"

Suddenly Veronica's heart beats faster. She didn't think about that. She isn't even sure if she's ready to meet his parents yet. Yes she likes him, a lot but they went out for the first time yesterday and technically they have been boyfriend and girlfriend for less than a minute.

"Mom, dad" Archie smiles widely when a woman with red hair and an older version of Archie with brown hair walks towards them. "This is Veronica, we're going out tonight okay?"

"Oh what a wonderful idea" the woman smiles as she reaches for Veronica's hand "hi honey. I'm Mary. Archie can't stop talking about you"

"Oh really?" Veronica giggles "that's so cute"

"Moooom" Archie groans.

"Oh shhh. You go get dressed. You can't go out like that"

Archie sighs but lets go of Veronica's hand before he walks to his room.

"Sit my dear, do you want something to drink? Fred get the girl something to drink"

"I'm Fred by the way. Nice to meet you" the man chuckles before he leaves to get Veronica's a glas of water.

Mary leads Veronica over to the couch. The trailer is not very big. The entire thing is probably as big as her living room but everything is more than clean and it actually seems quite comfortable. There are a few family picture on the walls. One of toddler Archie's catches her attention and makes her smile.
This whole place seems like a great place to have quality family time. This couch seems like it has seen a lot of family movie nights.
Veronica had everything she could dream of as a child except for her parents.

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