Chapter 15

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Archie lies on the couch. His dog Vegas is right next to him. His parents are grocery shopping and he enjoys the piece and quiet. Not that it's usually loud but there is just always something to do. Either his mom needs help with something or his dad or he has to study or do homework but today there's nothing. No upcoming tests, no homework, no parents. The only one he wants right now is Veronica.
A knock on the door makes him smile. No one besides Veronica knock . His parents have a key and Jughead just walks inside.

The wide smile on his face disappears though when he sees the expression on Veronica's red face. It breaks his heart.

"I told them" she says with tears streaming down her cheeks. She can hardly see anything. Tears blur her vision. Archie pulls her into his arms and holds her close. He gently kisses the top of her head while she sobs into his chest.

"I'm guessing it didn't go so well?"

Veronica shakes her head. "My — my mom—" she tries to say but she cries to much to form a sentence.

"Shhh my love" Archie says as he walks further into the trailer with her and closes the door. He tries his best to calm Veronica down. It breaks his heart to see her like this. "Take a deep breath love and tell me when you are ready"

Veronica nods against his chest but it takes her another 10 minutes until she is calm enough to tell Archie what happened. They sit on the couch now. Veronica's hands are in Archie's. A few tears still runs down her cheeks.

"So" she sniffs "my mom didn't say much. She didn't seem very happy but it's not like she could actually express her actual thoughts and feelings with my dad right next to her. He was not happy at all Archie. He yelled at me and said some horrible horrible things. He said he doesn't want to see me for at least a couple days and if I decide to come back. He won't talk to me, he won't support me in any kind of way"

"I'm so sorry my love. You don't deserve this"

Veronica shrugs. "To be honest, I was expecting worse" she mumbles "he has never been a good father or a just a father"

Archie sighs. He gently kisses her forehead. It makes her look up. The soft smile on his face makes her smile too. "You have a boyfriend now who loves you more than life and this boyfriend will be the most amazing daddy to your baby. This boyfriend will try his very best to heal your trauma"

"You're so sweet" Veronica smiles. She lets go of Archie's hands so she can cup his cheeks. She pulls his face closer and kisses his lips.

"Babe I know it's hard" Archie says. His hands are on her thighs now and his thumb slowly stroke her skin. "They are your parents but one day we'll have our own beautiful life. We'll be married and we'll have a house and kids and maybe a puppy and—"

"Archie" Veronica interrupts with a giggle.


"We have not even been dating for a year and you already think about all of these things?"

"Of course" he nods. "I know we're young. I know it hasn't even been a year but oh goodness I love you. We're having a baby. So yes, I'll marry you one day. One day when we have a nice house and good jobs and enough money to effort a nice wedding. That's when I'll marry you"

"Do you promise?"

"What? To marry you or to wait?"


"I promise my love. I promise you, I'll marry you when we're ready and then we'll have our own family"

Veronica smiles. She gets up so she can sit on Archie's lap. His arms wrap around her and his hands rest on her stomach. He smiles. With every passing day he can feel the tiny bump more and more. He already loves this tiny human and he promised himself he will do whatever it takes to protect it. The smile on his face fades. "One question love before we change the topic, did your father hurt you?"

"He didn't touch me if that's what you mean" she mumbles. Archie nods. He notices how Veronica stares out the window and how tears form in her eyes again. He didn't want to make her upset.
With the widest smile on his face he pushes Veronica off his lap so that instead of sitting on his lap, she now lies on the couch. He made sure he wouldn't hurt her. He pulls her shirt up a little and places both of his hands on her stomach.

"Are you hungry little baby? Because daddy is hungry"

"Baby is hungry and mommy is too" Veronica giggles. She runs her fingers through Archie's soft hair while he gently presses his ear against her stomach.

"Baby said Pizza, pepperoni pizza!"

"Well if that's what baby said, then lets have pizza" Veronica giggles but Archie doesn't move. He wants to keep his head on Veronica's stomach for a little longer so Veronica reaches for her phone and orders a pizza for delivery from their favorite pizza place. She places the phone on her chest and runs her fingers through Archie's hair again. Her eyes are heavy from all the crying. She knows none of this is going to be easy. Especially the relationship to her parents will make things more complicated but she knows Archie loves her and that love already gives her so much strength.

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