Chapter 28

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After the graduation ceremony Veronica and Archie invited Jughead and Betty over for some drinks. Over the past years the four of them got really close. Daisy loves her auntie and uncle a lot.

"Have you guys thought about more kids?" Betty asks with a grin before she takes a sip of her Bloody Mary.

"Yeah" Veronica nods with a small bush on her cheeks. "We want more children but not right now. I just graduated college and I'm only 23. Most women my age don't even have kids and I have a 5 year old"

"We! We have a 5 year old" Archie corrects as he sits down next to his girlfriend who he's planning to make his wife really soon. He promised her when they were teenagers that once they have good jobs and a house he'd marry her. Now it's time to make that promise reality. He hands her a glass of water, leans back in his chair and places his hand on Veronica's thigh.

"Of course we do" Veronica smirks and places her hand on Archie's. "Besides Archie's music career is really taking off. He and his manager were talking about a possible tour last week. I don't want to be home alone with two kids"

"Babe, I won't go or even plan a tour when you're pregnant. You know that. I don't want to miss any of the great baby things. If you don't want me to go I won't"

"Uhh did I just hear an agreement for more babies soon?" Betty squeals but Veronica shakes her head laughing "like I said, some day for sure but not right now"

Betty groans "I want to hold a baby again!"

"Then have a baby!"

"No I'm only 23" she says and shakes her head. "I want one but not now"

"Oh but we're supposed to" Veronica giggles.

"You already have one. It's different"

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Daisy squeals as she runs to Archie and jumps into his lap. "Look! A daisy" she smiles as she holds the little flower in his face.

"Wow, my sweet little Daisy holding a beautiful daisy"

"Do you want it? I can put it in your hair" she giggles but she doesn't wait for his answer and places it on top of his head.

"How do I look babe?" Archie asks with a smirk as he carefully turns his head to Veronica to look at her. "Stunning Archiekins" she giggles

"Do you want one too mommy?" Daisy asks "I can get you one"

"Sure mi amor"

"What about you auntie B? Uncle Juggie?"

"I want one" Betty smiles.

"No th—" Jughead starts but Betty interrupts him by ramming her elbow in his ribs.

"Sure!" Jughead groans in pain. Daisy giggles and claps her hands before she gets off Archie's lap again and walks back to place in the backyard where she found all the flowers.

"Don't you dare say no to her!" Betty says as waves her finger in front of Jughead's face.

"I can't say no to her. She's my world. Same goes for this one" Archie says as he wraps his arm around Veronica's shoulder and pulls her into his chest

"Aww you guys are so cute" Betty sighs. "I knew from the beginning this would work out"


"Babe" Archie sighs as he lets himself fall on the bed. His head his close to Veronica's knees. He looks up into her beautiful brown eyes. "Don't you think we should have another baby like right now?"

"Right now? But we're so young and I don't even have a job. I thought we talked about this"

"I know this sounds stupid but I earn enough money for this family. You could do whatever you want to do and then take a little break. Daisy is already five. I kinda want her to grow up with a sibling and if we have another baby right now they will be out of the house in like 20 years. We're in our mid 40 then and can travel the world, babe. We have happy kids who got all our attention and then we have the rest of our lives to focus on us"

"I understand that you want Daisy to grow up with siblings and she's going to be the best big sister ever in two or three years and even then we will still be considered young parents. We had Daisy so early so she will not have siblings who are close in age with her, it's just a fact Archiekins but if it makes you happier and I'm sure it will make her happy, what about a puppy?"

"A puppy?" Archie smiles widely "are you serious?"

"Yeah. I mean are you ready for a new pup?"

"Yes. Vegas died almost 3 years ago. I got him when I was Daisy age and having a puppy was the best thing ever! She can barely remember Vegas. I want her to have what I had and I would a be little more relaxed whenever I leave you two alone because there would be a dog protecting you"

"That's sweet" Veronica giggles. She reaches for her Ipad on the nightstand, unlocks it and hands it to him. "Look I've prepared something"
Archie stares at a page of golden retriever puppies. He sits up places the Ipad in Veronica's lap so he can wrap his arms around her. "I love you" he squeals before he places kisses all over her face.

"I love you too" she laughs "take a look at them and pick one"

With a wide grin, Archie pulls Veronica on his lap. His arms are still around her as he takes the iPad into his hands. His chin rests on her shoulder while he looks at the puppies.

"It's that one Ronnie! That's the one! I want him"

"Okay" Veronica smiles. "I already talked to the nice lady selling them and we can pick him up tomorrow"

"Are you serous?"

"Yes I am" she smirks.

"Oh my goodness Ronnie. You're the best! Have I already told you how much I love you?"

"You have but you can tell me as often as you want" Veronica giggles. "Do you have a name Archiekins? I want you to choose it because if we asked our daughter we would get something like "doggy or puppy"

"Twix" Archie smiles widely "because he's sweet and looks like the wrapping of a Twix"

"You're a child Archiekins and I love that"

"Don't you like the name?" he pouts.

"It's adorable. It suits him well"

"We're getting a puppy! That's like getting a little baby" Archie grins. It makes Veronica smile.

"I know. That's why we're getting one"

Archie kisses her softly before he leans back a little and places both of his hands on Veronica's stomach. "But I can't wait for the day we're actually getting another baby"

"We will have more kids eventually, I promise. Just not right now" Veronica whispers as she places her hands on top of his.

"I don't want to pressure you love. I'm ready when you are, it's just— I love Daisy so much. I never knew that I was capable of loving someone so much. She's my whole world and seeing her with you Ronnie— oh my god I can't put into words how it feels to see the people I love most in this world together and just the thought of seeing you with another baby another mini version of us, is amazing"

"You're so sweet" Veronica whispers. "This is not just a fantasy. It will happen. We'll have more babies but for now— what if we do the fun part and just skip the baby part, like right now"

"Mhh future Mrs. Andrews, you have me wrapped around your little finger"

~the end~


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