Chapter 7

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Happy thanksgiving!!

"Babe I just want to keep you safe!" Archie groans as he follows Veronica from his room into the kitchen. His parents are already at work.

"I'm a big girl Archie. I don't need your protection"

"Yes you do! I know you don't see a difference or don't want to see a difference between north and south but there are dangerous parts here, especially when you walk around by yourself. Your school is so much closer to your place than mine. Don't get me wrong, I love having you here but —"

"Good because I want to be here. I don't want to be home. This place is way more fun and loving"

Archie sighs "I don't have the time to walk you to school every morning" he says calmly "and the thought of letting you walk by yourself, terrifies me. I can stay at your place with you until you're asleep and then go home"

"No. I want to cuddle you all night and I want you to kiss me first thing in the morning"


"No!" she says as she crosses her arms in front of her chest and turns her head to face away from him.

"Jesus Christ Veronica! I love you so god damn much but you're driving me crazy"

"You— you love me?" Veronica asks quietly. She stares at Archie. She wants to make sure he actually said what she just heard.

"Of course I do Ronnie. There's nothing in this world that I love more than you"

"What about your parents?" she giggles as she takes a step closer to him.

"Parents don't count" he says. He places his hands on her waist and pulls her close. "I love you"

"I love you too Archiekins" she smiles as she cups his cheeks. They kiss very gently but every touch is so full of love.
Veronica's giggles force their lips apart.
"Speaking of parents— I think it's time you meet mine" she says.

"For real?" Archie smiles "I made it to 'worthy enough to meet parents'"

"Archiekins you know this was never about you. My parents just have a very difficult opinion on everyone who's not rich and I'm discussed by that. You're parents are so sweet and loving and mine are — mine are just not"

"Babe, one day you really need to tell me about what's going on at your place and what happened in the past. I feel like you have some trauma"

"I will. As soon as I'm ready and this also doesn't have to do anything with you. Even my best friend doesn't know everything"

"No pressure babe. You tell me when you want and what you want"

"Thanks for understanding me so well"

Archie nods "Um so about meeting your parents— the nicest thing I have in my closet is a white Tshirt, well and a dress shirt that's too big"

"I know. That's why I got you some nice dress shirts. I love when you wear that white shirt for date night but for meeting my parents we should probably go a little nicer and if they all fit, I wouldn't mind seeing you in one of them for date night"

"Yes ma'am. Whatever you say" Archie chuckles. "But we still need to talk about where you're staying tonight or tomorrow night or the night after that"

"Shh don't ruin the mood"


Archie's heart beats out of his chest when he stands in front of Veronica's apartment. He's holding on tight to her hand. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea" he mumbles.

"We'll be fine love. Maybe we just won't tell them you're from the south, for now at least" she smiles.
Archie simply nods. His hands are so sweaty but he just can't let go of Veronica's hands.
He doesn't have much time left to think because suddenly the door in front of him opens and a woman who looks like an older version of Veronica and a man with raven hair and dark eyes stand in front of them.

"Hi mom, hi dad" Veronica smiles. "This is Archie, my boyfriend"

"Hi sweetheart and it's so nice to meet you Archie" Veronica's mom smiles "I'm Hermione and this is my husband Hiram. Come in kids"

"It's nice to meet you Ma'am" he nods then looks at Hiram "you too Sir"

They both turn around and walk into the apartment. Archie finally lets go of Veronica's hand and wipes his sweaty palms on his pants. "I love you" Veronica whispers and places a gentle kiss on his cheek before they follow her parents.

Everything seems to go well. Archie relaxes. Hermione loves him. Hiram doesn't say much but Veronica is happy with that. If he doesn't like someone he won't hold back. So silence is great.

"So how did you meet my daughter?" Hiram asks as he takes a sip of his wine.

"At a party Sir. Your daughter was the most beautiful girl there. I couldn't take my eyes of her so she came over to me. We talked, we went on a few dates and now we're here" he smiles.

"I hope you paid at all of these dates with Veronica"

"Dad it's the 21st century. I'm an independent woman. He doesn't need to pay every single time"

"He does if he's going out with you"

Veronica rolls her eyes. She places her hand on Archie's knee under the table. Archie places his on top.

"So Archie, I have never seen you before. What school are you going to?"

"South—" he stops. His face turns red and he once again holds on tight to Veronica's hand.

"SOUTH SIDE HIGH?" Hiram says. He gets up from the table so swiftly that his chair falls back and hits the floor. Veronica flinches. "YOU ARE FROM THE SOUTH? VERONICA HOW DARE YOU BRING HIM INTO MY HOUSE?"

"I love him dad" Veronica says. Tears fill her eyes. "Why does it matter where he's from?"

"South siders are trash. You're better than that. I'm very disappointed"
Then he turns to Archie. "I will go to the kitchen to fill up my wine glass. When I come back, you better be gone. I will never see you again and I don't want you to ever see my daughter again. I swear I'll kill you if you get to close to her"

"Dad stop!" Veronica cries but Hiram just turns around.
Archie gets up slowly, still holding Veronica hand. She looks at her mom but Hermione just shakes her head. "Why Veronica?"

"Because I love him!"

Hermione look at Archie. "You're a nice boy but long term I don't think you'd be able to take care of my daughter. I think it's better if you leave before my husband gets back" she gets up and follows Hiram into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry love. I blew it. I'm so stupid" Archie mumbles.

"It's not your fault" she cries "they are just terrible people. "I'm sorry"

Archie pulls her into his arms and holds her close. He presses his lips against the side of her head a couple times. "I should go babe" he whispers. "But don't worry. Nobody stops me from seeing my girl. I'll text you"

Veronica nods. "Can't I come with you?"

"I don't want you to get into more trouble because of me. I think it's better if we both stay at our own places for now but like I said, nobody stops me from seeing my girl. Not even your dad"

Veronica smiles slightly. Tears still stream down her cheeks. She nods

"I love you" Archie smiles. He kisses her lips and her forehead before he slowly walks out of the apartment.
The second the door falls shut behind Archie Veronica breaks down in tears. She storm into her room and slams her door shut. Still in her beautiful dress and a completely messed up make up, she falls into her bed. Why can't her parents let her be happy. Why is it so important where Archie is from. They don't even know him. He's the sweetest boy she's ever met but they won't even give him a chance. Her heart is broken. She can't wait for the day she can start her own little and especially loving family.

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