Chapter 24

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I'm sorry friends. I was really busy 😌

Daisy sits on the floor in the living room with a few Barbies. She had a daddy daughter day today. Archie will soon release his second album but he didn't have to go into the studio today so he kept Daisy out of pre school and did lots of fun stuff. Now he's cooking dinner. Veronica should be home soon from college.
Daisy missed her mom a lot today. One thing she loves more than daddy daughter day are family days and even though she knows her dad tries his best when he plays Barbies with her, he just doesn't do it right. It's most fun when she can play with her mom.

A key in the lock makes her smile. She jumps up and runs to the door.

"Mommy!" Daisy squeals as she runs to Veronica with her arms up in the air.
Veronica gets on her knees so she can hold her girl close and squeeze her tightly. "I missed you mommy"

"I missed you too baby. Did you have a fun day with daddy?"

The little girl nods "but now I want lots of mommy time"

Veronica smiles and runs her hand over her daughter's head. She raises her eyebrows when she realizes her daughter's hair is braided into two French braids.
"Your hair looks beautiful darling"

"Daddy did it!" Daisy smiles proudly as she carefully runs her little fingers over the braids.

"Well daddy did a great job" Veronica smiles. Her little girl giggles before she runs back to the living room to play. Veronica steps out of her heels. Her feet hurt so much. Slowly she walks to the kitchen to greet her favorite man.

He's stirring the pasta sauce he made for dinner and didn't even realize that Veronica walked in. She wraps her arms around him from behind and leans her head against his back. "Hi lover" she sighs with her eyes closed.
Archie chuckles before he turns around and takes Veronica into his arms. "Hi beautiful. You seem tired"

"I am" Veronica mumbles "but I have a daughter who missed me and wants to play"

"I can talk to her love"

Veronica shakes her head. Her eyes are still closed and her head now rests against his chest and no longer his back. "I missed her too. I'm just gonna read a book to her and after dinner we can all watch a movie together.

"Sounds good" Archie smiles "have you seen her hair?"

A grin spreads on Veronica's face. She turns her head to look at him.
"I didn't know you could braid hair"

"Toni taught me when we were kids. Don't laugh but I loved to play with her dolls"

"Why would I laugh? That's adorable. I love when kids can play with whatever they want to play with"

Archie nods while he runs his fingers through his girlfriend's soft hair. "I can braid your hair too if you want"

"You will definitely have to do that some day. I'm terrible at braiding my own"

Archie smiles. There's that glimmer in her eyes that he missed all day. The way she hold on to him, the way she smells and smiles. He gently pulls her closer and kisses her forehead. "Hungry?"


"Good cause dinner is ready"

"Great but can I please have two more cuddles minutes? I'm not ready to let go"

"I love cuddling you" he whispers into her ear.


After dinner, Archie gets Daisy ready for bed while Veronica gets herself ready. She's looking forward to spend the evening with her two favorite people. She's tired but she really wants to cuddle her boyfriend and daughter. She missed the two all day today. For some reason today was not a great day. Veronica doesn't even know why. Nothing specific happened.
She walks back to the living room with her hair in a messy bun. Her pjs are shorts and one of Archie's shirts. She giggles when she sees Daisy fast asleep on Archie's chest.

"So much for family movie night"

"Well now it's a mommy and daddy movie night and daddy loves mommy and daddy time" Archie smirks as he pats the space next to him. Veronica sits down, then leans back. Archie wraps his arm around her and kisses the side of her head.

"why don't you put our baby to bed and I'll get a movie started" she suggests.

"Sounds like a plan baby" Archie says and squeezes her closer while he places a bunch of little kisses on her cheek.

"can't breath" Veronica groans.

"It's called love. I love you so much I just want to squeeze you until you pop"

"No, thank you"

"I'm going to pretend that didn't hurt" he says as he gets up to put Daisy down. When he comes back Veronica lies half asleep on the couch, cuddled into blankets.

"Oh my love, you look so cute" he chuckles as lies down next to her. "We don't have to watch a movie. I didn't know you were this tired"

"I want to watch a movie" she mumbles as she throws one of her legs over his. She closes her eyes and cuddles into his embrace. "Or you can watch it and I'll just stay right here cuddling you"

"That sounds good too" Archie smirks. She gently brushes her soft raven hair out of her face and kisses her forehead. This is what he always dreamt of. Cuddles in the evenings with the woman he loves with their kids are in their beds. Just a typical happy family. He looks at Veronica. She's the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. She also looks really cute when she cuddles him like this. He feels like his heart is going to explode from all the joy. They are young but they already went through so much. They built a live. He can't wait to spend the rest of his life with her.

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