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Sera POV
"Ahhhh!!! I can't believe we're here" my best friend Ava shouted out loud and why not I mean a vacation in Italy was on top of our bucket list since we were kids, yeah we have known each other since we were in 2nd grade it was a cute way how we met,nothing grand like but simply sweet gesture which resulted in we being bestest of friends
"Class we will be starting with BODMASS rule today please pay attention sweet peas"and I was doing just that when suddenly I heard a hiss sound,I turned around to see the owner of the voice, she said one word " Hungry??"  And since I was 6 at that moment I was always hungry so like any sane kid I nodded and then she suddenly stood up and sat next to me forcing my seat partner on her seat "Here" she opened a packet of Oreos placed it beneath the desk "No one will know"  she said, I gave into temptation and discreetly had my piece of heaven. Since then it became a routine, Sometimes I used to share my snacks during class and sometimes she did.
I don't know how our teachers didn't notice that or they just choosed to ignore it, can't say but in my opinion there should be no boundaries on food one should be able to have it always at any time they want " Sera!! girl are you even listening to me ,you really sometimes seem a bit dumb for a medical student" God, Ava tone it down I only have two ear drums don't want you ruining it .You really are a firecracker ,mom is sooo right".
"Well ,she also says I am perfect for your water like nature, doesn't she, hmm??" She asked raising an eyebrow. Well she is kinda right I am calm, composed, polite, shy kind of girl , always wanted to be a docter and got admitted in one of the top medical College in NYC , the semester will be starting next week,so here we are enjoying what time is left together because Ava wants to be buisness woman and going to enroll in some big shot buisness college in England,don't remember the name, don't judge me college will be so boring without her ,hence, my anger shifted to college pathetic, I know.        " Girlfriend you are suffering from jetlag or something what the fuck are you thinking instead of Looking at these beautiful landscapes,this is our time sera and I don't want you thinking about what future holds. Everything is destined,just you and me in this moment sis let's enjoy it to the fullest and shake Italy to the core"  and suddenly she started singing this wierd party song playing on radio,even driver started laughing out loud and I couldn't stop myself from laughing to too" Hahahaha, you're crazy " " Tell me something I don't know se" she said singing even louder, I really am going to miss her but I am going to enjoy this time with her. Something tells me coming here will change my life,I just wish it's for good.

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