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When I woke up, i was wrapped around Trey's arms, as my head was on his chest. I smiled reminiscing about last, which was just...mind blowing. Trey was peacefully sleeping, and he had a tight grip on around me. I attempted to get up, but his grip just kept getting tighter and I really needed to go pee.

"Trey...i need to use the bathroom honey." i whispered in his ear

He moved a little bit.

"Hurry up." he said in a sleepy voice as he unwrapped his arms from around me

I struggled to get off the bed, because my legs were still very weak. But, i forced my self up and almost fell but I kept my balance as i limped to the bathroom. After washing my face and brushing my teeth with a new toothbrush I found, I limped back to the bed and layed next to Trey. When he felt me next to him, he pulled me closer to him and opened his eyes.

"Goodmorning beautiful." he said with a smile

"Goodmorning handsome. How did you sleep?" i asked with a smirk

"Best sleep I've had in a long time...how about you?" he asked with a the same smirk

"Wonderful." i said with a smile

"Great." he said than pecked my lips

"Baby...i gotta ask you something." he said

"Wassup?" i asked as I looked into his eyes

"Well after last night...what are we?" he asked curiously

"What do you want us to be Trey?" i asked

"I want you to be mine, my baby, my boo...my everything." he said with a smile as he looked into my eyes

"You sure your ready for that?" i asked skeptically

"Ofcourse, I've just been waiting for you baby." he said

"Well...if you put it like that..i guess we can try the relationship thing out. But, Trey we need to get some things straight right now." i said seriously

"Wassup?" he asked

"You have to always be honest with me, no matter what the situation is. Communicate with me first, if your curious about something, and most importantly what happens in our relationship...stays in out relationship." i said sterny

"Ofcourse baby, and I hope you do those too. I'm not going to say that I promise to be perfect, because I am only human. But, I do promise to be the best man for you, love you unconditionally, and be your best friend. I love you Tania." he said looking into my eyes


"You mean that?...or your just in the moment?" i asked seriously

"I mean it...I love you..alot. You gave me your most prized possession, and I love you more than I already did for that." he said honestly

I just smiled and gave him a sweet peck on his lips.

"I love you too Trey." i said with a smile as i pulled away from the kiss

"Alright baby, let's go downstairs so we can find something to eat." he said as he got up and helped me up

"Babyyy i don't feel like walking downstairs." i whined

He just shook his head, and picked me up and carried me all the way to the kitchen. He put me down, near the kitchen counter.

"What you want to eat baby?" he asked me

"Surprise me babe." i said with a smile

He just smiled and turned around and started cooking. Hopefully, i don't regret any decisions I've made so far, later on in this relationship.

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