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Today is finally Sunday, the day I meet Trey's parents and family. He told me that they were having their annual family reunion, and that it would be the perfect day and occasion to meet them. To say that I'm nervous is an understatement, to how I feel about meeting his family. I'm mostly nervous about how they'll feel, about their son coming home with his pregnant girlfriend that they've never met. Hopefully everything goes well.

I am currently getting dressed, and will wait for Trey to come pick me up so we can go to his parent's house. I decided to wear a casual yet classy outfit to look presentable enough for his family. I'm currently applying very natural like makeup, with a matte lip. I let my hair stay kinky curly, then I put my clothes and heels on.

Trey is supposed to be picking me up in about 10 minutes, so I still have a little time left to continue calming my nerves. I checked if I had all my necessities, and left my room and went and sat down in the living room. After a little while of sitting and thinking, the doorbell rang. I stood up and fixed my outfit a bit, and walking to go open the door.

"Hey babe." Trey said walking in and giving me a peck on my lips

"Hey." i said lowly

"What's wrong?" he asked concerned

"I'm ok. Just a bit nervous, to be honest." i said looking down

"Babe, just relax. My parents will live you. Just relax." he said looking into my eyes before giving me a tender kiss

The kiss was getting a little heated. So, I quickly pulled away.

"Stop Trey." i said after pulling away and looking away

"Babe, are you sure your ok? I can always reschedule." he said with concern looking into my eyes

"I'm ok. I'm ok." i said after exhaling

"Alright let's go." he said with a unconvinced face and took my hand into his

As I was walking, I felt like my stomach is just constantly bubbling. I made sure I ate enough today, and didn't stress or do to much today for the baby. So, I'm a bit worried but I'm not gonna tell Trey that, because he'll worry to much.

We finally arrived to his car, he opened and closed the door for me and jogged to his side and drove off as soon as he started the car. The ride to his parents house was very silent. He was focused on the road, and I was lost in my thoughts.

"Bae are you ok?" Trey said snapping me out of my thoughts

"I'm ok honey. Stop worrying" i said a bit annoyed

"Baby I have to worry. You're carrying a baby, so I have to make sure you're good." he said a bit frustrated

"Well stop worrying for now. If anything was wrong, I would tell you so relax." i said putting my hand on his

He didn't say anything, he just continued driving.

After about 45 mins, we finally arrived in front of a big house. I could hear loud music and alot of people talking in the background. I deeply inhaled and exhaled, before Trey opened my door for me.

He took my hand and helped me out of the car, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Tania, I want you to relax and stop being nervous and overwhelmed. I'm not gonna let anyone disrespect you. So, calm down ok?" he said while looking into my eyes

"Ok. I can do this." i said with a small smile after softly exhaling

"Great. Let's go baby." he said giving me a sweet kiss and taking my hand walking to the backyard

As we approached the big crowd of people, my nerves were just jumping and going crazy. When Trey finally appeared, everyone was yelling Trey and saying stuff like "Hey Trey", " How you been?", "Who's that?", and etc.

He just smiled and waved to everyone. Then after a little while, we approached a very beautiful middle aged looking woman and a handsome middle aged looking man. I'm guessing these two, are his parents.

"Hi ma and dad." Trey said kissing the lady and giving the man a manly hug

"Hey baby." the woman said with a smile

"Hey son." the man said with a smile

"How y'all doing?" Trey asked them

"Good." they said at the same time

"Oh, umm this right here is Tania. Tania this is my mom and dad." Trey said introducing me

"Hello sweety. How are you." Trey's mom said

"Hello. I'm good, how are you?" I asked

"Great honey. This is my husband Lloyd Aldon" she said introducing me to Trey's father

"Hello sir." i said with a soft smile

"Sir? I'm not that old darling." he said chuckling

"Oh sorry." i said chuckling embarrassingly

"It's ok honey. So, Trey this is the woman that's been keeping you from away from us?" his father asked with a grin

"Yes, this is my lovely lady in the flesh." he said before kissing my temple

"Aww you guys are so cute. You're really beautiful Tania." his mother complimented

"Thank you. You are very beautiful also." i said with a smile

"Oh Thank you, I try honey. Anyways, you too should go and socialize with the rest of the family. I'm gonna continue grilling the meat with mr over her." she said with a smile

"Ok ma. Call me over if you need anything." Trey said before giving her a kiss on her forehead

"Ok son. Have fun you too." she said with a smile

We both smiled at them before Trey and I walked over to meet some other people.

"Was that so bad?" Trey whispered to me

"No. It was great." i said with a wide smile

"That's my baby..There's a few other special people I need you to meet." he said while walking towards an elderly woman that sat alone just looking at everyone

"Grandma!" Trey yelled before letting go of my hand to give her a big hug

"Hey baby. How are you?" she asked with a big smile

"I'm good grams. You look so beautiful." he said before giving her a kiss on her cheeks

"Boy you better stop. Got my 'ol self blushing and what not." she said playfully pushing him away

"Wassup bro." a younger man said walking over to us

"Wassup Ruski." he said giving him a manly handshake

"Ooo who's this?" the younger man asked

"Oh this right here, is my baby Tania. Grandma and Ruski, this is my girlfriend." Trey said introducing me

"Hey beautiful, my name is Forrest but some call me Ruski." he said before giving me a kiss on my hand

I slightly blushed

"Aye now. Back off, that's all mine." Trey said taking my hand out of his hand

"Hey Sweetie." his grandmother said

"Hi. You look very nice." i complimented

"Oh thank you baby girl. You look very nice also, unlike the other girl mr over here used to bring around." she said slightly rolling her eyes at Trey

"Grams don't embarrass me today." he said slightly annoyed

"I'm just saying Baby. But, you and your brother go on somewhere, while I talk to my future grandbaby in law." she said with a smile looking at me

I blushed uncontrollably

"Ok baby. I'll be over there if you need me." Trey said before kissing me cheek amd leaving with his brother

After they left, his grandmother offered me the chair that was next to her and I gladly sat down.

Hopefully this conversation goes well.

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