prologue : creature of hell

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The popping of bones back into place cracked through the humid air. Heavy breaths turned to horrendous coughs, a gagging sensation ripping through the deadman's throat. Though there was nothing to give, not even stomach acid.

He looked down, shivering as he watched muscles wrap around his skeletal form. Heat returned to his body, and a burning feeling rippled through his soul... Did he even have one of those anymore?

"This turned out better than I expected..."

The man's gaze snapped to where the voice came from. There stood a woman, face hidden by an eye mask and a handheld fan. Even so, he could see the glee written all over her.

"Who..." His voice died on him. "Who..." Again— he was growing increasingly angry. The man's body wouldn't even listen to him, not yet, not as it was still repairing itself.

"Patience, patience." The woman scolded airily. "Give it time. I can't repair you all at once. I'm not nearly powerful enough for that."

All she received in return was a glare. A giggle bubbled up from her throat, and she shifted back on her feet, extending an arm forward. As though on cue, rain began to fall from the sky. Yet the man was kept safe by the woman's umbrella.

"As for who I am... I, my dear Angelo, am your savior..." Her voice pissed Angelo—he guessed that was who he was?— the fuck off. He snarled and began up onto his feet. "Oh, you remembered how to move quite fast. That's unusual." She noted quite confidently. As though she was some untouchable god...

God though she might be, he didn't fear her. Not for a second. Angelo wasn't sure why. It wasn't like he was in awe of her either... No, no no no no. All that was in his heart was contempt and sorrow.


"Why?" She flicked the fan shut, revealing half of her face. Pristine and skeletal. From her bottom lip to the edge of her jawline. "That's quite simple. I wish to use you."

"Use me?"

"Yes, and your lover. Though she came about again a rather surprising way..."

"My... Lover?"

"My, you're slow." She put a hand on her hip and sighed heavily. "Your lover, (Y/n) (L/n)."

The name made his undead heart throb wildly. "(Y/n)..." The name felt so perfect on his tongue. His lover, of course. How could someone with such a beautiful name be anything else.

... So why the fuck was this lady saying her name? Why the fuck did she think she could lay a hand on his (Y/n)? That she could use them both? For what? Her own gain?

"Is this just a fucking game to you?"

He stood tall, a foot taller than her, he could see. She looked scared, briefly. "Something like that." The woman agreed. "When you're as powerful as I, everything feels... Beneath you, in a sense."

"Beneath you, huh? So you think I'm beneath you?"

"Yes, like roach."

"A roach..." Angelo swung his leg up, kicking her straight in the face. The woman's head went rolling from the impact. Blood spewing from her neck as her body swayed. Angelo scrunched his nose and flicked it gently, sending it toppling down.

"Savior my ass."

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