X . before you realized it

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You entered Angelo's apartment, begrudgingly, and took a look at it. Just as rundown at yours. That wasn't shocking. The landlord was a sleaze, and you were pretty sure a petty drug dealer.

"I know it's not a lot." Angelo laughed. "I don't have a lot of money." He shrugged and closed the door behind himself. Angelo went over to the couch, flopping his bag down on the ground. You followed him.

"It's fine." You mumbled. Angelo took a seat and sighed deeply. "I gotta admit though, it's strange that you don't even have a tv." You shook your head.

"Where I come from, it's not so unusual to not have a lot of appliances." He chuckled. "We don't have a lot of things. It's an old mining village."

"Man." You breathed out. "You sure you ain't Amish or something?"

"Not as far as I'm aware, no."

You shrugged and took a seat next to him, flinging your bag aside. "Whatever. Be ready to have your world rocked." With that being said, you began to pull out the snacks and drinks you'd gotten.

He watched curiously. You couldn't help but think he looked like a puppy, fascinated by everything you did. Somehow you didn't mind his gaze. Even if you usually detested the way you were always being watched in public.

Angelo's curious gaze turned cautious as you held a hand out for him to take his portion. Still, he did it. Though he watched to see what you did, mimicking your movements.

The taste rattled him. He blinked and stared at the packaging. "What... Is this?"

"My favorites." You yawned. "At least, of what they have at that gas station."


Angelo furrowed his brows. It was so odd. How everything was so familiar, yet so different. Gas stations always had shops, but not food like this. He grunted a bit. His head hurt so much. So many memories returning so rapidly.

"You good?" Your voice rang in his ears like an early birds singing.

"Yeah, it's just," Angelo laughed a bit, "it's a lot, don't you think?" He asked.

"Uh, I guess?" You didn't really know what to make of what he was saying.

Angelo rested his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes. "I can't help but to think I'm here for a reason. I just don't know what that reason is."

"Wow, philosophical." You snorted, shaking your head. "What, are you a philosophy major or something?"

"No. I don't even attend college."

This caused pause in you.


"I don't. It's far too expensive."

"Then... Why were you in the college library?"

Angelo tilted his head to meet your frightened gaze. "To meet you, my love." He chuckled. "I'd cross an ocean for you, if I had to. This, this was nothing."

Those words should've freaked you out. Of course they should've. Any sane person would've been freaked out.

Nonetheless, you sat there feeling a strange sense of nostalgia over those words. A pain grew in your heart and your head ached. A deep frown rested on your lips all the while.

Why did you feel so much pain over such simple words? God, it was excruciating. Ripping through your very soul like a knife to a steak.

Before you realized it, pain had taken over every one of your senses. Before you realized it, you were falling forward. Before you realize it, you were nestled into Angelo's chest.

Before you realized it, you were unconscious.

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