VI . petty crime

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You sucked in a deep breath, beginning to pack away your things. Naturally, Angelo piped up again, "Where are you going?" You'd expected to this, of course. It'd been a long three hours sat next to Angelo.

"Home." You answered.

"Ah, so you are leaving."

"Yep. Got a problem with that?" You rode a brow and stared him down. Angelo smiled innocently in turn.

"It's just late. Can I walk you there?"

"Like I'm going to let some stranger know where I live."

"Okay, halfway?"

"Jesus... You're just going to follow me anyways, aren't you?"

"No, I won't if that's not what you want." Angelo shook his head, but began to get up. "I should head home as well though." He commented after looking at a clock on the wall.

"Uh-huh... Okay. Bye then." You waved goodbye and began to walk off before Angelo had much of a chance to process what you'd said.

So you were off, just like that. You tried not to think much about Angelo and your brief time together. It was hard not to, though, in all honesty. Something about him felt different. The way Indie felt different, or, kind of. You weren't attracted to Indie like you were Angelo...

Why were you attracted to Angelo? So he fit your traditional type, but that usually faded within seconds to minutes for you... And why didn't you feel that usual ache in your heart? Or the sickness in your gut?


Well, whatever. Wasn't like you were going to see him again.


A voice breathed into your ear and a hand rested on your shoulder. Immediately, you gaze snapped to Angelo, who you now found by your side.

Speak of the goddamn devil.

"What the hell?" You hissed. "Were you following me?"

"No, just heading in the same direction." He shook his head. "But... Someone is following you. Do you see them, over there?" Angelo gestured his head off to the side. You furrowed your brows and tried to look over your shoulder, he tutted you. "Subtly, my dear. Subtly."

"Ew." You scrunched your nose. "Who says 'my dear' anymore?"

Angelo chuckled. "Sorry." He apologized briefly, with a small shrug. "Still, subtly. If they know you've seen them, they'll stop pursuing."

"Isn't that what we want?"

"Not always."


"Because then we'll never know who it was."

"I don't really care to know."

"But if you don't know, then there can be a next time."

You paused. Then sucked in a deep breath and nodded. "Right, subtly, then." You agreed. Angelo smiled warmly.

He didn't expect what came next though. You brought your hand to your bag and pulled out your phone. Not that Angelo knew what that was. He stared at you, bewildered.

"What are you doing?"

"Being subtle."

So you rose it above the two of you's head. "Say cheeese~" you giggled in a silly little way. A silly little way that made Angelo's heart skip a beat. He didn't even know what you were asking him to do, but he was grinning anyways.

The camera flashed and you brought it down, opening the photo. Sure enough, when you zoomed... There was a masked person trailing the two of you.

"Purposefully hiding their identity... Definitely not out for petty criminal activity." Angelo commented with furrowed brows.

"Yeah... What do we do?"

"Well, I have an idea."

True Crime // Yandere x Reader [ INDEFINITE HIATUS ]Where stories live. Discover now