XII . he knows what he shouldn't

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"Good morning, you two! Go ahead and take a seat wherever you'd like!"

You and Angelo had ended up at a diner. Which you considered ironic, though... The reason why it was ironic was lost on you. In that annoying way where it was on the tip of your tongue.

"Thank you, ma'am." Angelo hummed to the waitress. He led you over to a table, and the two of you sat across from each other. "Do you feel any better?" Angelo asked, resting his elbows on the table and his chin on the backs of his hands.

They were boney, you realized, staring at them. He was on the thinner side, but he was soft like a teddy bear. His hand had been cold, but soft like ice cream.

"A little." You nodded. "I'll feel better once I've had some food..." Angelo chuckled hearing that, nodding.

"Yes, I agree. You had a very long night, it seems."

"Yeah." You breathed out. "Thanks, captain obvious."

Angelo could tell you were exhausted, so he forgave your snappiness. Honestly though, you'd changed a lot and not at all. The memories of his past life had come back entirely for him, but he wasn't so sure about you.

Your reaction to his words last night was worrisome though. It was as though you'd shut down entirely at them. Like the memories were too much to bear...

The waitress came by, and you hadn't even a chance to look over your menu. You'd been too zoned out. Angelo smiled at the waitress and put in an order for himself...

Then he put in an order for you.

And quite frankly, it sounded damn delicious.

The waitress then left, and you stared at Angelo in awe. "How did you... Know what I'd want?"

Angelo chuckled. You really could be so dumb sometimes. Like an unsharpened knife. "So I got it right?"

You blinked. "Yeah..."

"That's good."

"But... How?"

"Does it matter?"

You sighed deeply and shrugged. Angelo was seriously so damn stubborn. And frankly, you didn't have the energy to deal with it right now.

So you let it go, deciding to focus your attention on finding your phone. You pulled it out and frowned gently at the low battery. Luckily all you needed was the time. "How long do you think it'll take for the food to get here?"

"I don't know, maybe twenty minutes?" Angelo tilted his head. "Do you have somewhere to be?"

"Yes, actually. I have a lecture." You told him. "Starts an hour from now." You hated the 8 AM classes as much as the next guy, but you didn't have a choice in the matter. It was required by your major and they had no other times.

"That's plenty of time. I wouldn't worry about it." Angelo assured you, waving a hand dismissively. "I'll make sure you get to your science class, don't worry."

You paused again... He knew exactly what class you were attending, too.

Why did he always know what he shouldn't?

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