XIV . don't act a fool

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You hated that feeling of being watched. It hadn't ceased, even as the streets cleared. Even when you, logically, knew you should be alone. The feeling made your spine crawl.

So your pace fell to a halt. Sucking in a deep breath, you whipped around. Nothing. You looked around rapidly. Nothing. Absolutely goddamn nothing.

What the hell else did you expect?

With a deep groan, you put a hand to your temple and began back on your way. That dream had really thrown you off your rhythm...

That dream.

The dream that wasn't a dream.

Or maybe it was?

You'd never had such a vivid dream before. Even now you remembered how you felt, and the pain still burned in your chest. Weren't people not supposed to be able to feel pain in dreams?

There was a crack behind you, a branch crunching under a person's weight.

You took another look behind you. Now you saw someone standing there. Cloaked in dark clothes, masking all discernible features.

While you'd heard of 'uncanny valley' before, it was something else to feel it. Standing there only a few feet away from someone who wasn't there before. Someone who... Didn't look quite right.

Okay. Now that bad feeling from earlier was justified. So why on earth weren't you moving?

Oh. Right. Moving.

Quickly swinging back around, you hurried your pace. Footsteps behind you became prominent now. What the hell were you supposed to do here? Okay, okay, think. Just think. You can do that. You can think.

Just don't act a fool and you should be fine.

You'd watched enough documentaries on true crime stories. You'd listened to enough podcasts. You'd taken enough self defense classes.

You'd be fine!

Fuck you were nervous.

So nervous you backed yourself into a corner. Literally. You'd somehow ended up in the one isolated part of campus. The one that hosted night classes and clearly wouldn't be open during the daytime. The worst part is that the person following you was still there.

"This was unexpected." The person finally spoke up. A chill ran down your spine as you turned to stare into the faceless devil. "I was told you were trickier than this... I suppose even the smartest of people turn stupid in the face of presumed danger."

You scrunched your face up, curling your hands into fists. "What the fuck do you want, huh? Trailing me all this way. You sure as hell want something more than cash."

"You'd be right." They nodded, putting a hand to their chin. "Everything that goes around comes back around, as they say." The person was moving before you could even process their words.

Their leg went to your rib cage, blocked by your arm. The force made you stumble back a bit, and you shifted your legs to properly stabilize, reaching for your pocket knife.

Only you didn't find anything, and they laughed in turn. In horror, you watched as they pulled your knife. They stepped forward, and you backwards until you hit the wall.


"You get surprisingly hyper-fixated during lectures..."

They grinned at you wickedly, their reddish, purple eyes shaking you to your very core. A knife—your knife—went into your side, the squelching noise sickening and pain absolutely horrendous. Shaky hands went to clutch their own, but no strength could be mustered as they stared you down.

You blacked out before you knew it.

True Crime // Yandere x Reader [ INDEFINITE HIATUS ]Where stories live. Discover now