II . manic pixie dream girl

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You hated Valentines Day.

And not because of the fact it was a capitalists dreamscape, or the fact you could never get a decent meal out on the day... No, no no no.

The reason you didn't like Valentines Day was because of candy grams.

"Uhhh... You okay?"

The familiar voice of your best friend piped up, and you couldn't help but grit your teeth.

"Do I look okay, Indie?"

"You look like your leaving a trail of heart lollipops and love confessions behind you..."

"What?! Fuck!"

You turned around and sure enough, your bag was stuffed so full the excess was dropping down. Wordlessly, the two of you began to collect what you could. Then you disposed of it into their bag. Indie grinned receiving most of the candy.

Now, don't get the wrong impression. You liked candy as much as the next guy. Something always just tasted bitter about receiving it out of adoration... Or whatever.

Your skin had always crawled at the mere concept of being in a relationship with somebody. Especially somebody random. You'd always told yourself you were just waiting for the right person, but...

Deep in your heart, you had this sinking feeling that person you were looking for had come and gone.

It hurt so desperately, a longing so deep and mysterious it made you despise Valentines Day. For the whole day, you felt that insufferable ache in your chest.

"Thanks for the help." You sighed, flinging your bag to the side and plopping down underneath a tree. Indie joined you, already sucking on one of the lollipops.

"Yeah, no problem." They nodded. "Why wouldn't I help collect all this free candy?" They grinned. "I still don't get why you don't hoard it..."

"I told you, it's gross. I hate that stuff." You gestured briefly to the lollipop in their mouth. "Even if I didn't, I'd get sick of the taste eventually, getting so many and all..."

"Okay, okay. You don't need to humble brag." They teased you, nudging your shoulder and shaking their head.

"I don't even get why they still do this candy gram bullshit in uni." You rested your cheek in the palm of your hand and stared off idly to the pathway. Watching as student rushed to and fro.

"Because some people can't handle the fact they peaked in high school and will do everything to replicate it." Indie suggested, cracking off a piece of the hard candy. In turn, you laughed.

"There's a reason your my best friend."

"Your only friend, you mean."

"That too."

Silence fell over the two of you for a few brief moments. Until Indie decided they couldn't stand the silence, as per usual. "Why am I your only friend again? You clearly have people lining up to be by your side."



You hesitated. "It's that manic pixie dream girl phenomenon." You explained. "They get so obsessed with the idea that I can fix them and give them some sort of wild ride in life because I'm mysterious or whatever. When I don't, they tend to lose interest."

"So it's better to keep the intrigue than grow genuinely attached to someone, only for them to abandon you?" Indie hummed while looking up.

"Yep." You smiled sadly. "See? This is why you're my only friend. You're the only one who gets me."

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