XI . memories of a waking nightmare

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"Angelo, Angelo please, my love! Please don't do this!"

"(Y/n), this is the only way. You know that."

He rested his forehead gently on yours, ignoring the way you clawed at his skin. The way sobbing wracked your whole body. "It isn't! It isn't, it isn't! It can't be!" You continued to sob out, and oh how that pain felt so real. So exhausting in all of its fury.

"You know I never wish to leave you."

"So don't!"

"You know I love you."

"So why are you doing this?!"

Angelo chuckled, cupping your cheeks and staring into your bleary eyes. "I'd cross an ocean for you, if I had to. This, this is nothing."

You were crying. You were sobbing and you didn't know why. Your skin tingled and eyes burned, but you couldn't stop sobbing. You clutched at your eyes, wailing into the nothingness. The darkness that surrounded you all encompassing, yet discomforting.

Then a door creaked open, slamming gently against the wall. "(Y/n)?" An all too familiar voice rang in your eyes. An all too familiar touch gently pulled your hands away from your face. An all too familiar face stared into your bleary eyes. "(Y/n) what happened? Are you hurt?"

"Y-You— Angel—o—" You clutched onto his hands, but no other words could escape your throat. Angelo resorted to holding you as close as humanely possible, nuzzling into you.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here, I'm here. I won't leave you."

'Bullshit', you wanted to say, 'you left me there in that cold world alone, you asshole', you wanted to scream.

You didn't, though. No, all you did was cry. You don't know how long you cried, but it was absolutely exhausting. By the end, you had a pounding headache and the strong urge to fall back asleep in his arms.

Angelo's hold was so comforting. In a way that felt so unfamiliar. A way you never felt when family held you, nor when friends did...

"What happened?" Angelo asked again, voice soft like a warm winter's fire. "Did you have a bad dream?"

"I-I don't—..."

"You don't want to talk about it?" He guessed. You nodded. Angelo smiled softly and began to pull away gently. "Thats okay. What about we go get breakfast? It's a bit early, but you know what they say. The early bird gets the worm."

So you sniffled, and nodded. Angelo helped you up and you got some water before the both of you left. You let Angelo lead the way, feeling mentally exhausted.

There was so much on your mind already, you couldn't handle figuring out what was for breakfast. Instead, you stared at Angelo as you trailed behind him ever so slightly. Never did he let go of your hand, and it served as a nice way of grounding yourself.

While you wouldn't say you were someone who didn't dream, usually you could tell when something was a dream. At the very least, by the time you woke up you knew. But this dream, it still felt so real, and Angelo felt so familiar.

You had to wonder...

Was it really a dream?

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