I . ripoff bonnie & clyde

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This was your favorite part of the day.

When 12 o'clock struck, and the sky was an inky black, dotted with glittering stars. Alone you sat in your room, curled up next to all of your blankets and pillows with a computer in your lap. Surely, most would be blinded by the gleaming light.

Not you, your eyes were all too familiar with this setup. The red LED lights were the only other thing illuminating your room. A harsh storm banged against your windowsill, crashing against the roof. It didn't matter how harsh the storm was. Not when you put in those earbuds.

For when you did, you couldn't hear anything else but the video. A documentary, this time. While you ate up horror movies, of course you did—you were a junkie for that type of thing—, documentaries on real atrocities felt different. Far more intense than any movie could ever replicate.

This fascination had started in childhood, and continued on into your now young adult life. There wasn't a case out there you didn't know at least a little about... Or, so you thought.

The documentary you had on right now told the story of two people you'd never heard of before. A rip-off version of Bonnie and Clyde, the description read, these two paramours ravaged the country with their identities never being discovered.

How funny... Not a shred of evidence? You couldn't see how that could possibly be the case, unless...

Ah, the 1950s. Of course it was.

You chewed on your snack of the day as the opening of the documentary played. A general run-down of what was to about to be explained more. It always bored you when documentaries did that.

"Jane and John Doe, the mysterious copycats of Bonnie and Clyde began their reign of terror in the 1950s. From larceny to first degree murder...Their crimes all left without definitive proof that they ever committed any of them.

Even when John Doe was brought to his end defending his beloved Jane Doe, neither's identity was ever discovered. To this day they are nicknamed John and Jane Doe due to this..."

"He died for her, huh?" You laughed at that. "And what? She just ran away? Didn't even try to get revenge? What a wimp." You'd never leave your lover like that if you were a hardened criminal. It led you to think there was maybe more to this story.

More to the story, huh...?

There was always more to unsolved true crime. That's why you never claimed to know all about it. Even cases that had been solved never had the full picture. Just the facts deemed 'important'.

And this pair, in particular, was quite mysterious. A mysterious usually you couldn't figure out without looking up online forums...


This felt different though.

Like the way whenever you saw a stuffed bear with a little bow, you had to buy it. The way gore never bothered you, not even as a child. The way your instincts never failed you— not once.

This felt of that deja vu you could never seem to shake.

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