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Gyu💗: Yo Jieun meet me at the park let's go on a walk

Jieun: All of a sudden??

Gyu💗: sorry lol...but let's go on one
Just to hang out you know?

Jieun: I'll just
try to sneak out

Gyu💗: okay see
you there!!

"That was random" Jieun said to her self putting her phone down back on the dresser next to her end

Jungwon was still right next to her somewhat cuddle up next to her she snuck out of bed to go take a shower and dress casually


"Hey Beomgyu!" She said jogging up to him

"Oh your here what took you so long" he question her to it

"Well I can't drive and I didn't want to wake up the girls so I called a Uber also it's hard not to wake up Jungwon his ears are like super ears he can hear everything" Jieun rushed out her mouth

"Well let's start walking!" He said excitedly

Jieun and Beomgyu walked around in the park laughing with each other and shoving each other when they found something funny, they have more similarities than they realized

"Thanks for taking me on a walk Gyu I really liked it" Jieun smiled at Beomgyu as he smiled back

"No problem the weather was nice today and I thought of you so why not take you out to walk" he said

"You make me sound like a pet"

"Cause you are- just joking! Just Joking! Next time I wanna take you out to eat maybe lunch" he said laughing at her sour face

"Im kinda hungry right now though....I'll pay for breakfast let's go out right now" Jieun said nagging him

"Sure let's go as long as I'm not paying" he said shrugging

"Wow such a gentleman" she said scoffing at him

"I'm Choi Beomgyu everything should be free for me" he said sitting up proudly

"Stop stroking your ego let's go" she said getting off the bench and following Beomgyu to his car

"Did you guys eat?" Jieun said walking in the house seeing the girls up talking to each other

"Yeah Jungwon cooked for us we annoyed him saying when you guys are going to marry each other" Haerin said laughing

"Yeah, anyways Jieun where did you go and how'd you even get back home or go out without a car" Yunjin asked finding her suspicious

"I went out with Beomgyu" Jieun said not wanting to lie


"𝐈𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬" | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now