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"Jieun? Did you hear me?" Her teacher said making Jieun snap into reality

"S-sorry I was zoned out" She apologized as her teacher sighed

"You need to see me after class okay? It's alright to vent to me" Her teacher said and she nodded so her teacher started teaching again

"Yo Jieun you feeling okay? I have Tylenol in my backpack" her classmate Jessica whispered

"I'm okay just a little zoned out and stuff it's okay thank you though" Jieun said as Jessica nodded

"Well i have something on me always if you're feeling under the weather" she said making Jieun smile

Jessica transferred to the school about three years ago from Australia, Jieun wouldn't call her a close friend but she was a mutual still, she was also a Trainee under JYP entertainment

"Thanks" Jieun smiled and Jessica smiled back

"Alright hurry to your next class I didn't realize the time" the teacher said

"The bell didn't ring though" a student said confused

"I know they're trying to fix it something happened to it" The teacher replied as students left the room "Jieun come here"

"Bye Jessica" Jieun waved as Jessica waved back "Yes sir?" She said to him

"Are you having personal problems? If so you can tell me them" He said next to her

"No I'm doing just fine" she said as he hummed

"I put in test grades last night from yesterday and you got a D- you're my top student that- that's not really expected from you" he said causing her to sigh

"I'm sorry I didn't try on it I had a lot on my mind" she said

"Tell me what's on your mind" he said "I heard a student in my period before this period and they were gossiping about you breaking up with another student of course it's not my business though" he said making her look at him

"It was Beomgyu in your first period he cheated on me with another student that's new" she finally confessed causing him to nod

"I know I can't be a major help but I'll let you pass this test I know it must be hard I remember im Highschool and that happening to me I was so disappointed I failed a whole semester " he said making her giggle a little

"I need to go to lunch" she said as her stomach grumbled

"Oh sorry sorry go ahead and I'll let you redo the test actually" he said and she nodded and waved leaving the room


"You missed two minutes of lunch" Yunjin said as Jieun sat beside them

"Girl I did not need those two minutes anyway" Jieun said making them laugh

"Look at them proudly walk together" Somone said at a table close to theirs making them turn around and see Sejeong and Beomgyu walk into the cafeteria together

"How pathetic" Haerin scoffed

"You're so full of yourselves!" Someone said as Beomgyu had his head down while Sejeong had her head up and smiling

"Jieun it's okay don't look over there" Yoon said rubbing her back as Jieun sighed

"It's hard not to look back!! they both betrayed me" Jieun said as Chaeryeong pouted

"She's right when Sejeong did that to me I cried for a month straight then realized I don't need a man!" She said making Jieun smile

"Seeing Jieun hurt it like a stab in the heart honestly like you're literally the happiest soul I know and you literally do nothing but be smart, pretty, and exist" Yoon spoke before seeing Sejeong go to their table

"Hey girls" she said making them groan and she looked shocked "why? What happened"

"You happened! You dumb bitch" Hyeju said flipping her off

"Come on I didn't do anything after all Jieun, you must've been annoying for him to run to me hm?" She said as Jieun tried to keep her tears back

"How did Eric feel? He hasn't been at school for two weeks but I think I saw him today?? Does he know?" Chaewon said questioning Sejeong with a mean face

"w-what?" Sejeong said

"What? You 'forgot' you guys are dating? gosh! Poor Eric he's too precious" Haerin said taunting her as Yunjin tried to calm her down

"There he is right there though" Sieun smirked as Sejeong looked at her boyfriend that had a sad look on his face

"Looks like he's already found out" Yunjin said making Sejeong slam her tray on the table

"STOP FUCKING MESSING WITH ME YOU ASSHOLES!!" She shouted as everyone looked at their table

"You act like you didn't come over here acting all cocky and shit" Haerin said furrowing her eyebrows

"Haerin if you don't shut ur ass up I'm going to come over there and slapped your pretty little face" Sejeong threatened

"Thanks for calling me pretty" Haerin smirked as Sejeong walked over towards her

"Sejeong let's go" Beomgyu grabbed her arm as she screamed at Haerin while getting dragged out of the cafeteria

"What a drama Queen" Jieun said making the girls laugh

"Eric looks upset though" Chaeryeong pouted

"He does we should comfort him like go over to him sometime and surprise him" Yunjin said as the girls hummed

"Here comes your soulmate" Hyeju said to Jieun as she looked behind her

"Hey lady!" He said making her smiled

"What's up Jungwon!" She replied back with the same energy

"What happened with Sejeong?" He said making the girls groane and he looked shocked

"Don't get me started on that brat" Chaewon said as they laughed

"She's mostly mad at Haerin for running her mouth it's quite funny" Yoon said before drinking her milk

"I thought a bomb went off or something when she slammed her tray" Jungwon laughed

"Yeah but we want to comfort Eric" Jieun said making Jungwon hum

"I talked to him for a bit he said he was disappointed and embarrassed even though it wasn't his fault" said Jungwon

"Come on sit down you look goofy standing up" Jieun said scooting over for him to have room

"Ahhh Haerin was so funny talking back to Sejeong" Sieun said laughing

"I know right like she just kept talking even though Sejeong looked like a tomato that wanted to kill her" Yunjin laughed

"I mean she couldn't do anything! She'll get suspended asap no rocky" Haerin said smiling

"Yeah" Yuri said laughing as Jieun and Jungwon were having a side conversation

"Bracelet looks good on you" he said tilting his head as Jieun giggled

"I know right it looks better on me than you" she said making his smile drop

"Whatever" he groaned as she smiled making him get butterflies

That's new.

"I'm just kidding don't get mad Wonnie" she said batting her eyelashes at him as he cringed

"Uh hello?? Couple are you guys listening?" Yuri said making both of them look and apologize to her


This one isn't really special tbh BUT ITS MY BDAY!!! 0425!! SLAYYYY LMAOAOAO IM LATE CAUSE IS 10:45 PM BUT IDC!!! ITS MY DAY

"𝐈𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬" | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now