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"Jieun wake up" Jungwon said shaking her as she groaned

"A little longer" she said hugging herself in the sheets

Jungwon thought of a idea a kissed her cheek and her eyes widened "You're parents want us to wake up and go to the beach and spend time in the water" he said but she was still shocked

"o-okay hold on Won" she said flustered

"Why are you blushing?" He said smirking

"Why are you so flirty today" She questioned but he shrugged

"I'm not it was just a simple cheek kiss" he said smiling as she smiled back

"Thanks for sticking with me last night" she said making him hum

"That's what I'm here for" he said

"I gotta tell Sieun though" she said sighing

"Tell me how that turns out cause you're going to get the scolding of your life" Jungwon said laughing as Jieun hit his shoulder

"Thanks that makes me feel a lot better" she said and got up off the bed and went to the bathroom


"Everyone warned your dumbass and you kept on denying it now you're crying over and over about a fucking cheater" Sieun said as Jieun cried

"I know I know but-"

"No shut up. Let me speak come on you keep getting with the wrong people when Jungwon is literally right here" Sieun said

"I don't like Jungwon though" Jieun said making Sieun roll her eyes

"You're so damn stupid you know? You may be smart in school but in relationships you're a real idiot" Sieun scoffed

"Can you stop insulting me?" Jieun murmured

"Not until you get sense into your head didn't we have this same conversation when Jiung broke up with you?" Sieun questioned as Jieun sighed

"Yeah but that was a while ago" she said and Sieun shook her head

"Okay? You still didn't learn your lesson! You're so gosh damn stupid" Sieun said as Jieun wiped her tears

"I'm sorry" Jieun cried as Sieun sighed

"Jieun don't tell me sorry tell yourself  you're hurting your own self you need to be sorry to your self, you're a very pretty girl and you're super smart and talented but you don't need to get into a relationship that ruins your self esteem" Sieun said while rubbing her little sisters back

"yeah you're right" Jieun said leaning into her sisters touch

"Sometimes you just have to get constructive criticism from the right people alright? Don't cry anymore we're going to forget about him and have some fun at the beach" Sieun said smiling at Jieun while wiping her tears

"Thank you Sieun" Jieun thanked her

"Anytime Jieun, you may be four years younger but that doesn't mean im not here for you" She said making Jieun smile

"Are you girls ready to go?" Their mom said coming in

"Yeah we're ready" Sieun said standing up as Jieun copied her actions

"Jieun you look really pale today what's wrong? You aren't sick are you?" Her mom said touching her face as Sieun sighed

"No im okay mom" she said

"Did you bleach your skin!? Now your beautiful tan skin is gone!!" Her mom exclaimed causing Jieun to laugh

"Mom she's fine she didn't bleach her skin she just got a little under the weather for a minute last night" Sieun said as her mom nodded slowly

"𝐈𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬" | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now